Donald Trump Jr just compared his dad to Tiger King’s Joe Exotic, a criminal gay polygamist redneck exotic animal breeder

Tiger King: Donald Trump Jr compared his dad to gay criminal Joe Exotic

In the ongoing saga of 2020, 42-year-old father Donald Trump Jr describes himself as “general in the meme wars”, and his latest post is Photoshopping his father’s face onto Joe Exotic of the Netflix series Tiger King.

Yeah, eject us into the sun, too.

As the coronavirus seizes every aspect of modern life, a gay roadside petting zoo-owner convicted of plotting to kill an animal rights activist in Florida is currently the only form of entertainment us lockdown citizens know of.

So, in an effort to stay hip and/or relevant during this crisis – and perhaps distract from his father’s grave mishandling of the pandemic-at-large – Trump Jr took to Instagram Monday to post the unholy blend between Trump and Exotic that is original sin itself.

What a great day to have eyes.

Donald Trump Jr: ‘I heard about this [Joe Exotic].’

We’re unsure whether Trump Jr has actually watched the docu-series, considering he captioned the image: “I love the internet.

“I heard about this guy.”


Exotic is currently carrying out a 22-year sentence in federal prison for attempting to hire a hit person to kill Big Cat Rescue owner Carole Baskin.

The 56-yer-old’s lengthy rap sheet doesn’t end there, however. Exotic was convicted last April on two counts of murder-for-hire, eight counts of violating the Lacey Act for falsifying wildlife records and nine counts of violating the Endangered Species Act.

In fact, the original photograph of Exotic – in which Trump’s face is superimposed onto it – is his prison headshot, taken at the Santa Rosa County Jail.

Joke that Tiger King star resembles Trump not lost on the rest of humanity who do not share the ‘Trump’ surname.

So, one question remained.

Trump Jr has a bizarre habit of posting pictures of his father edited to look like famous figures, or just putting his head onto their bodies; from the Baby Yoda meme to teen climate catastrophe activist Greta “Sharon” Thunberg.

In this case, however, it’s safe to say that we can all agree that the US president’s resemblance to the convicted criminal is absolutely uncanny.

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