The Queen praised kids drawing rainbows during her historic address. The same rainbows transphobic mums are raging against

In a rare televised speech, Queen Elizabeth II addressed Britons shaken by the uncertainty of coronavirus. (PAUL ELLIS/AFP via Getty Images)

In a rare speech Sunday evening, Queen Elizabeth II rallied Britons in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic but tucked between her motivational messages, she gave a shout out to rainbows.

No, not quite those rainbows, but the rainbow drawings – some doodled with paints, others crayon – springing up across Britain, much to the disgust of, you guessed it, Mumsnet users.

As unnerved Britons on lockdown gainfully socially distance themselves as the coronavirus death toll creeps upwards, those on their daily walks may have noticed rainbows in apartment and house windows.

With schools shuttered, children are being encouraged to grab their crayons and draw rainbows to spread hope and boost spirits of passersby and neighbours, disgruntled as the outbreak upends daily life.

What did Queen Elizabeth II say?

In the historic address, the queen urged for resolve as the country wrestles with the ongoing impact of the pandemic which has shaken Britons.

During her speech, she paid tribute to the housebound children doodling rainbows to lift the public’s spirits.

Known for rarely making national addresses, Queen Elizabeth II urged for unity and cooperation in her broadcast. (John Phillips/Getty Images)

Known for rarely making national addresses, Queen Elizabeth II urged for unity and cooperation in her broadcast. (John Phillips/Getty Images)

“The moments when the United Kingdom has come together to applaud its care and essential workers will be remembered as an expression of our national spirit,” the Queen said in pre-recorded from Windsor Castle where she is sequestering herself.

“And its symbol will be the rainbows drawn by children.”

The pandemic may have sickened at least 40,000 and shattered what we expect from tomorrow, but if there’s one reliable consistent in the coronavirus chaos, it’s Mumsnet users still being outraged by the LGBT+ community.

Why was a Mumsnet user raging over rainbows?

Last month, a user of the parenting board’s commentators urged parents not to allow their children to take part because of the rainbow’s trans-inclusive message.

In a post entitled “Please don’t put a rainbow in your window”, Mumsnetter RuffleCrow wrote: “For the past few years the rainbow has sadly become a symbol of silencing, sexual stereotyping and oppression for a lot of women and those in the LGB community.

“If you’re thinking of putting one up, please think about how that may make women feel – many of whom have already experienced death threats and lost their friends and jobs thanks to those who wield the rainbow flag as a weapon.

“I just saw two on my walk just now and it made me feel like s**t. Not the intended effect, I’m sure.

“Please consider something else: the sun coming out from a cloud, or a simple landscape. Thanks.”

While some users have spoken at length of their hatred for the LGBT+ rainbow, describing it as “a Nazi flag”,  “anti-female” and “a symbol of homophobia and misogyny”, many fellow Mumsnet users called RuffleCrow’s request unreasonable.

“People are fekkin’ dying, if my kids want to put a bloody rainbow in their window to cheer a dog walker up or someone out fetching groceries then they will,” one user wrote.

“You don’t own the rainbow.”

Mumsnet founder and CEO Justine Roberts told PinkNews at the time: “There’s a huge diversity of opinion on Mumsnet, which this discussion thread illustrates pretty well.

“We’ve always believed that debate between people who disagree is healthy and useful in allowing people to see alternative points of view.”

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