Piers Morgan couldn’t understand how Lady Gaga could help the WHO during coronavirus. So people kindly explained it for him

Piers Morgan (L) took to Twitter to ask why Lady Gaga as involved in a World Health Organization conference for coronavirus. ( Max Mumby/Indigo via Getty/Neilson Barnard via Getty)

British TV presenter Piers Morgan was sufficiently confused as to why Lady Gaga was invited to be a special guest at the World Health Organization’s (WHO) COVID-19 press conference on Monday.

Morgan, who reportedly has a net worth of $20 million, was unable to grasp why Gaga, who raised $35 million in seven days for coronavirus relief and research, was invited to the conference.

Quote tweeting a PinkNews report on the star’s invite, Morgan said: “Why?

“Has she found a cure? Otherwise, we don’t need a bloody singer there.”

OK, but why was Lady Gaga invited to the WHO COVID-19 conference?

Lady Gaga threw on her tweed blazer and glasses for the WHO and Global Citizen address that comes after a handful of fans accused the musician of greed after she postponed her upcoming album, Chromatica.

Yet, these fans were left stunned after she revealed that she delayed her sixth studio album to raise funds to battle the coronavirus outbreak bearing down on the world.

She has partnered with WHO for the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund which, according to the United Nations, is aiming “to equip frontline health care workers with masks, gowns and other vital equipment – as well as to local charities providing food, shelter and healthcare to those most in need”.

Gaga explained that she reached out to 68 corporate leaders “from some of the world’s biggest and most generous companies” for donations for the relief fund.

Tech companies and philanthropists around the world donated to her campaign and she dedicated the bulk of her address to frontline medical staff, those who have lost their jobs and are struggling to feed themselves and their loved ones as well as rallying for people to donate to local, grassroots charities.

This was amplified by countless Twitter users, who contrasted Gaga, a mere “bloody singer”, and her efforts to that of Morgan.



Never come for the queen.

Musician curates coronavirus concert featuring Billie Eilish, Alanis Morissette and more. 

Gaga’s involvement with WHO doesn’t end there, however.

During her address, she revealed that she has curated a constellation of stars to be part of the One World: Together At Home broadcast, alongside Billie Eilish, Kacey Musgraves and Alanis Morissette.

The April 18 two-hourlong streamed session is a concert which, Gaga and her collaborators hope, will bring attention to the positivity in the world.

Her involvement with WHO’s work comes after the head of the United Nations agency Adhanom Ghebreyesus revealed that the Star is Born actor had been on the phone with him on her birthday.

“She is ready to support WHO in any way possible in the fight against COVID-19,” he wrote on Twitter on March 28. “Together!”

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