Man arrested after allegedly hurling homophobic slurs at police who told him to put his exposed genitals away on a crowded train

Adam Smith mugshot

A Boston man was arrested on a train after he allegedly exposed his genitals to other passengers and called police officers homophobic slurs.

Adam Smith was on an 11pm Red Line train in the city when he committed a “lewd act” with his genitals fully exposed, local media outlets reported.

Other people travelling on the service said he lit up a cigarette on-board the train after the incident on April 9.

The train was stopped at MBTA’s Kendall Station and transit police boarded to investigate the situation.

Adam Smith was ‘belligerent’ and allegedly hurled homophobic slurs at police on train.

When officers asked the 48-year-old to get off the train and to extinguish his cigarette, Smith became “belligerent” and refused to comply.

The situation escalated further when he lashed out at transit police, referring to them using homophobic slurs, reports state.

In a post on its website, Boston transit police said officers were “forced to engage in a physical struggle with Smith” when he refused to co-operate.

They “eventually placed him into custody” and he was transported to Transport Police Department headquarters.

He faces three charges of open and gross lewdness, assault on a police officer as well as a charge for resisting arrest.

Arrested man apparently had no concerns about the coronavirus pandemic.

The incident is particularly concerning as the coronavirus pandemic continues to worsen in the United States. There are more than 25,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Massachusetts alone, and there are almost 600,000 cases across the United States.

Much of the world is currently in lockdown and people are being asked to keep their distance from one another and keep good hygiene to help limit the spread of the disease.

However, some people continue to engage in reckless and inappropriate behaviour in public places. Last weekend, a gay couple in Amsterdam reported being spat on in a homophobic attack.

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