Teenager vandalises lesbian couple’s house and car with hateful homophobia and crude graffiti penises


A lesbian couple in Indiana were victims of “hateful” vandalism by a teenager, who spray painted homophobia, slurs and crude graffiti penises all over their house and car.

Katrina and Keri Sprinkle shared photos on Facebook of the vandalism that they woke up to on April 10.

The graffiti included the words “lesbin (sic)” and “queer” on their car, and crude interpretations of penises on their other car, driveway and the walls of their house.

Keri told WLKY: “I was in total shock. I collapsed in the middle of the street and just started crying because it was that whole feeling of violation and how could someone not only do this to my place of dwelling, but my vehicle – and then we found another graffiti mark in the driveway – and then we found one on her car as well.”

In their original Facebook post, Katrina wrote: “I will pay a reward for anyone who can tell me, without a doubt, who did this! We are filing a police report and will be asking around for home cameras that might have picked up who did this! We will press charges!”

homophobic graffiti

(Katrina Sprinkle/ Facebook)

The post went viral, with almost 6,000 shares, and the couple soon updated it to say that the response from the community had helped them to get “answers quickly”.

They wrote: “We’re so grateful for and humbled by all of the love and support… The perpetrator has been identified and investigators continue to work our case.”

According to WLKY, Clark County, Indiana, sheriff’s department officials said that investigators had tracked down a 13-year old who admitted to the crime.

It is not clear if the teenager will face charges, but the Sprinkles said they hope they are shown that homophobia and bigotry will not be tolerated.

Their community has rallied around them since the incident, with a security company installing cameras for free, neighbours removing the graffiti from their house and cars, and supporters even offering to pay their insurance premium.

The couple added on Facebook: “Thank you for overshadowing hate with love. Thank you for being kind, to us and to one another. Love always wins.”


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