Gay porn stars slammed after sharing videos from crowded ‘rona rave’ house party in New York – the epicentre of the virus

Men partying

Gay porn star Ian Frost deleted his social media accounts after videos of him attending a “rona rave” house party sparked a torrent of backlash.

Twitter was outraged after Frost posted a lengthy Instagram story taken at a crowded house party in New York – the epicentre of the pandemic with more cases than any country in the world, including Italy.

The since-deleted videos, widely shared on social media, show more than a dozen topless partygoers clearly flouting governor Andrew Cuomo’s stay-at-home order, dancing in close proximity and without face masks.

“This is a slap in the face to every health care worker, every person who has lost a loved one, every person struggling with finances because of shut down,” wrote drag artist and New York council hopeful Marti Gould Cummings.

Healthcare workers said to be among those partying.

Writer Evan Ross Katz posted screenshots of an alleged interaction with Frost’s Twitter account.

“You should be ashamed of yourself – as should all those in attendance at your party,” he wrote. “This blatant disregard for our health care workers and human lives is disgraceful.

Frost appeared to reply: “Couple of those healthcare workers were here also.”

Claim ‘rona rave’ partygoers ‘all had the virus’ shot down.

Katz also shared screenshots which appear to show direct messages between himself and another gay porn star, Shane Jackson, also said to be in attendance at the party.

Jackson appears to claim that those at the party have “all had the virus”.

“Let people live,” the message added.

Adult star Seth Knight refuted this, claiming he’d been invited to the party but had declined.

“We haven’t had the virus,” he wrote.

DJ defends playing at New York circuit party.

New York circuit party DJ Alec Brian confirmed he had been asked to play at a “small house party” Monday night (May 4).

“I have been taking all precautions to socially distance, wear a mask and hand washing very seriously to stop the spread,” he wrote on Instagram. A video shows Brian DJing with a face mask hanging loosely around his neck.

Brian continued: “As may of us are now unemployed, I had an opportunity to avail myself of some needed money to pay my bills. If I have insulted anyone or made anyone feel uncomfortable by this event, I sincerely apologise as that was certainly not my intent.”

‘Rona rave’ roasted by gay Twitter.

The party was quickly dubbed the “rona rave” by writer Phillip Henry, one of the first to share the videos, with many other Twitter users ridiculing the men for their stupidity.

PinkNews has contacted Shane Jackson and Alec Brian for comment.

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