Matt Lucas eviscerates Boris Johnson’s ‘confusing’ lockdown speech in 17 perfect seconds

Matt Luas and Boris Johnson

Matt Lucas ridiculed Boris Johnson’s speech announcing the new coronavirus lockdown rules with a note-perfect impression.

The Little Britain comedian was among many to pillory the prime minister’s address to the nation Sunday night (May 10), which spelled out a revised set of lockdown measures and a somewhat confusing new alert system.

The old “stay home, protect the NHS, save lives” slogan was replaced by the much vaguer “stay alert, control the virus, save lives”, which the PM explained meant – well, to be honest, we’re still not quite sure.

Matt Lucas mocked Boris Johnson’s speech and his new guidelines in a Twitter video.

“So we are saying don’t go to work, go to work, don’t take public transport, go to work, don’t go to work, stay indoors,” he said, adopting the prime minister’s Etonian brogue.

“If you can work from home go to work, don’t go to work, go outside, don’t go outside, and then we will or won’t… something or other.”

Matt Lucas’ 17-second video was a hit with fans, who thought it easier to understand than Boris Johnson’s 14-minute speech.

Matt Lucas replies to Boris Johnson speech video criticism.

Responding to criticism that his impression was in poor taste considering that more than 30,000 have lost their lives to coronavirus, Lucas hit back that he has known seven people personally who have died from COVID-19.

“When the message from our PM is clear and effective, satirists like me will be out of a job,” he said. “I’ll be happy when that happens.”

New coronavirus guidelines put working class ‘at risk’.

The prime minister’s address to the nation was widely attacked for being unclear and not considerate of many working class people.

Under the government’s new guidelines, people who can not work from home should return to work – but should avoid public transport unless absolutely necessary.

People who do have cars have been told that they will, from Wednesday (May 13), be allowed to drive to beauty spots such as parks and beaches.

The one-a-day cap on exercise will also be lifted from the middle of the week, with people allowed to spend as much time outdoors as they would like, and to sit down in parks and other places.

BBC journalist Tina Daheley pointed out: “People who can’t work from home are overwhelmingly our poorest and lowest paid, they’re more likely to depend on public transport and live in densely populated areas and are disproportionately more likely to be BAME – and therefore at highest risk.”

It has recently emerged that Black Britons are twice as likely to die from coronavirus as white Britons.

Labour leader Keir Starmer was among the many to criticise the plan, saying that Johnson’s speech “clarity and consensus”.

The leaders of the devolved governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have also criticised the plan and messaging, with all three sticking with the previous “stay at home” slogan.

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