Fox host Tomi Lahren tried to make an insipid point about Pride during coronavirus. It backfired spectacularly

Tomi Lahren

Tomi Lahren stays losing, this time trying to suggest that of all people, it’s the LGBT+ community who aren’t taking coronavirus seriously.

The Fox News commentator, best known for her incredible ability to talk quickly and wrongly, demonstrated her complete lack of awareness on all things LGBT+ while attempting to make an insipid point about Pride.

“To the pro-eternal shutdown cheerleaders, when your favourite government pals start canceling pride parades, we better not hear a peep out of you!!!” she wrote, to universal groans.

As Twitter users pointed out, Lahren was wrong on several fronts. Pride parades across American have already been cancelled, by Pride organisers themselves – not “government pals”.

As one queer ER doctor wrote, organisers cancelled Prides “because unlike you the LGBTIQ community has a sense of civic pride and duty and cares about our neighbours”.

And as lesbian house representative Deb Butler pointed out, “the LGBTQ community understands a health crisis better than most”.

It’s not exactly clear who these government pals Lahren speaks of are.

Especially considering that the White House is intent on stripping away the rights of queer – and especially trans – people, with Donald Trump only recognising Pride once during his three-year presidency.

In short, Tomi Lahren is wrong, wrong, wrong.

Tomi Lahren compared lockdown to ‘willful slavery’.

In recent weeks the conservative pundit has devoted her time to rallying against lockdown, asking “why are we still caging healthy people?”.

In a since-deleted tweet, she claimed that compliance with stay-at-home measures are “starting to look a whole lot like willful slavery”.

Meanwhile, the US death toll has now topped 83,000, meaning that almost three in ten coronavirus deaths globally have been in America.

Of those deaths, a disproportionate number are Black Americans.

Counties with higher black populations account for more than half of all coronavirus cases and almost 60 per cent of all deaths nationally, a study recently found, despite Black Americans representing just 13.4 per cent of the population.

Structural racism, social conditions and access to healthcare are among the reasons for this disparity.

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