A man hired two guys to ‘break into’ his home and play out a fantasy involving a broom. He forgot to tell them he’d moved

Australia Sydney sex workers broom

A man hired two sex workers in Australia to come into his home during the night and play out a sexual fantasy involving a broom handle, but there was one major problem – he gave them the wrong address.

The two men were left red-faced when they entered what they thought was the home of their waiting client with machetes, only to discover that they were in the wrong house entirely.

When they discovered that they had entered the wrong house, they apologised to the resident and retreated, according to Sky News.

The incident – which occurred in Sydney, Australia in July 2019 – came to light when the confused resident called the police, complaining that two men had broken into his house, only to quickly leave again.

Police in Australia were called after the sex workers entered the wrong house.

The two men ended up in the wrong house after they were contacted by a man living in New South Wales who wanted “a broom handle to be rubbed around his underwear”.

He was willing to pay the men $5,000 if they did a “really good” job with the broom handle, according to court documents.

The fantasy was unscripted and there was discretion as to how it would be carried out.

But somehow, he gave the men his old address, which resulted in them walking into the wrong home.

The resident of that house told police that he noticed a light on in his lounge at 6.15am but assumed it was only a friend who stopped by most mornings to make coffee.

But the men then entered his bedroom and asked if his name was Kevin. When he turned on the light, he saw them standing by his bed holding machetes.

One of the men was acquitted by a court in New South Wales.

The sex workers repeatedly asked if he was called Kevin, and when they were sure they had gotten the wrong home, they left. One of the men shook his hand before retreating and said: “Sorry, mate.”

The resident of the house called police once they were gone and the sex workers were later tracked down at their client’s address.

Terrence Leroy, one of the sex workers in the case, has been acquitted of entering the home with the intention to intimidate while armed with a weapon after the court accepted his explanation that they were given the wrong address.

Judge Sean Grant said the circumstances of the case were “unusual” but said he believed that the sex workers did not break into the home to cause harm.

“They carried the machetes either as a prop or something to use in that fantasy,” he said.

“The fantasy was unscripted and there was discretion as to how it would be carried out.”



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