Police chief told to ‘suck my d**k and choke on it’ after saying protesters are equally to blame for George Floyd’s death

LAPD Chief of Police Michel Moore

The head of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) was told to “suck my d**k and choke on it” in the public comment section of a police commission meeting.

Protests against anti-Black police brutality continue to gain momentum across America, and reports of officers abusing their power and using unnecessary force on demonstrators are stacking up. 

LAPD chief Michel Moore has been facing calls for his resignation after a press conference on Monday (June 1) in which he said protesters were equally to blame for the death of George Floyd, a Black man killed by a police officer who pinned him down by his neck using his knee for eight minutes.

Moore said: “We didn’t have protests last night. We had criminal acts. We got people going to death on this man, George Floyd. We had people capitalising. His death is on their hands, as much as it is those officers.”

He later said he “misspoke when [he] said his blood is on their hands”.

LAPD chief told ‘you are a disgrace’.

The LAPD held a police commission meeting on Tuesday (June 2) via Zoom, the first meeting since protests began in the city.

The virtual meeting reached its maximum capacity of 500 people within minutes, and hundreds of people called in to express their anger at Moore and reiterate calls for his resignation.

One caller who phoned in during the public comment section of the meeting has gone viral, after he told Moore to “suck my d**k and choke on it”.

The caller, a man named Jeremy Frisch, told Moore: “Black Lives Matter. Defund the police. I find it disgusting that the LAPD is slaughtering peaceful protesters on the street.

“I had two friends go to the protest in Beverly Hills a couple days ago and the protest was peaceful until the police showed up with their excessive, violent force, shooting rubber bullets and throwing tear gas.

“Is this what you think is protecting and serving? Because I think it’s bulls**t.

“F**k you Michel Moore. I refuse to call you an officer or a chief because you don’t deserve those titles. You are a disgrace. Suck my d**k and choke on it. I yield my time. F**k you.”

Frisch later wrote on Twitter: “Hello. My name is Jeremy Frisch. AKA I yield my time guy. I want to make this clear: I’m just a dude who’s p**sed off like everyone else.

“My voice was one out of many in that Zoom call. If my message resonated with you, I demand that you take action.

“Donate. Sign petitions. Talk to your local city council. Go out on the streets and protest even with these bullshit curfews. There are so many ways to make a change.

“I’m glad that my voice was heard. Now it is my turn to raise other voices, especially ones from Black communities.”


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