There’s a glaringly obvious problem with the suggestion JK Rowling’s anti-trans tirade is in defence of lesbians

JK Rowling transitioned attends the 70th EE British Academy Film Awards (BAFTA) at Royal Albert Hall on February 12, 2017 in London, England. (John Phillips/Getty Images)

Occasional writer JK Rowling seems to think her recent anti-trans tirade is in defence of queer women and lesbians – but there’s just one problem.

Across seven Harry Potter books and eight films, Rowling failed to write even one openly lesbian character – so maybe she’s not the lesbian champion she thinks she is.

Rowling’s LGBT+ characters – or lack thereof – has been thrown into sharp focus following her anti-trans tirade on Twitter over the weekend.

And people are expertly pointing out Rowling’s hypocrisy, as well as her heavily revisionist approach to her hugely successful series of books, in a truly legendary Twitter thread.

JK Rowling claims to champion lesbians, but there is not a single lesbian character in the Harry Potter books.

The thread was started by gay writer Anthony Oliveira, who carried out his own research project to find out just how much Rowling cares about lesbians.

Oliveira added: “Is it possible that queer representation is not in fact a great passion of hers after all?”

While there are no openly lesbian characters in the series of books, people hilariously pointed out that Rowling will probably quickly amend this fact in an attempt to make herself look better.

Rowling’s revisionist approach to the Harry Potter books means that anything is likely to retroactively become a lesbian – even inanimate objects.

People also suspect that Hogwarts’ famous moving paintings will end up as the home of the school’s lesbian characters.


Others pointed out that Rowling has written heterosexual back stories for many characters on her online portal Pottermore, making it as clear as day that there are no lesbians at Hogwarts.

Meanwhile, many took the opportunity to point out that Albus Dumbledore is the series’ only openly gay character and Rowling didn’t even bother to mention his sexuality in the books.

The author has faced significant backlash over her views.

Fan backlash against Rowling has been swift after she lashed out at trans people over the course of eight tweets posted on Saturday night (June 6).

Is it possible that queer representation is not in fact a great passion of hers after all?

In the tweets, Rowling effectively erased the existence of trans people everywhere by claiming that only women can menstruate.

When LGBT+ people told her she should speak to the community about her views, she proudly defended herself against criticism by announcing that one friend – a “self-described butch lesbian” – agreed fully with her anti-trans tweets.




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