The cull of racist TV has some lamenting the end of ‘lad culture’ with all its *checks notes* misogyny, gay jokes and Yorkie bars

A man denounced the end of "non-PC lad culture" as Twitter's reaction was precisely what you'd expect. (Stock photograph via Elements Envato/Twitter)

Do you remember the noughties? What a decade that was for Britain.

Men, pumped full of supermarket lager, engulfed their torsos in Lynx Africa, drenched themselves in CK1, then went about their days eating man-food and exclusively reading man-magazines. Their sense of masculinity assured and sturdy, thanks to both to the man-targeted advertising around them as well as their terrible Robbie Williams-style tattoos.

But now, dear reader, with the Black Lives Matter movement prompting broadcasters to review their back-catalogue for problematic content – this glorious golden era of lad-dom is but a distant dream.

A Twitter user whose handle is “@BritishDean” and whose personality traits, according to his bio, are “WHUFC, UFC, darts, [the] Conservative Party, Queen Elizabeth II [and] ‘Rule Britannia’,”, appeared to be aggrieved by these recent reckonings.

Dean reflected on the 2000s as the “last great decade of non-PC lad culture”.

“Feminists wounded. Snowflakes covering their eyes in horror. I swear you’ll never see anything like this ever again,” he wrote.

But what will the world never see again? We hear you say. Well, Dean today mourned the passing of… misogynistic marketing, which has been eradicated by “a generation of poofters”.

He included some examples in the 2000s ad playbook, which included the Yorkie chocolate bars “not for girls” campaign, crisp company McCoys flogging “MAN CRISPS”, Zoo, a now-defunct British lads’ magazine, and, er, Pot Noodle calling its instant noodles “the slag of all snacks”.

Yes, truly the pinnacle of human achievement. Society will truly never return to this peak. We are descending, spiralling, plummeting into a vacuum of creativity where humanity must strive to somehow be funny or sell cheap snacks in corner shops without being sexist and/or homophobic.

People poke fun out of man’s mourning of the apparent demise of lad culture. 

From recycling to sunsets to comfortable chairs and literally the bare minimum needed to save people’s lives from a viral pandemic, some men struggle with seemingly everyday concepts that are apparently threats to their masculinity.

But this latest threat to masculinity had countless Twitter users utterly stunned. Amazed that this potentially real human being believes that the world is worse for not having these kinds of discriminatory campaigns, while others sought to give Dean perspective on what might have been a joke to him was a life of prejudice to others.


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