Homophobic mayor who claims gay people will cause the end of the world says it’s not his fault if he offends people

Bob Currie: Mayor claims gay people will cause the end of the world

Canadian mayor Bob Currie who said gays would cause the end of the world, has insisted on standing by his comments despite a barrage of criticism.

Currie, mayor of Amaranth, Ontario, made the comments at a township council Zoom meeting on June 17 in response to a letter asking why the town refused to fly a Pride flag during Pride Month.

Amaranth resident Stacey Whittington wrote in her letter: “It is the duty of council to support ALL members of the Amaranth community, and the lack of support does not go unnoticed by your LGBT+ neighbours, friends, and community workers.

“Refusing to fly the flag sends a very strong, outdated, and harmful message to our LGBT+ community, adults, teens, and children that the township and council does not stand up for them, support them, or support human rights and equity.”

But Currie said in the meeting: “If everybody was either lesbian or homosexual, this would be the last generation on Earth.

“Because two homosexuals cannot produce offspring… two lesbians cannot produce offspring.

“So, why would I want to support something when this would be the last generation on Earth? I’m not going to go there.”

Currie, a devout Christian, has refused to fly a Pride flag every Pride Month during his 18 years as mayor.

A petition to have him removed as mayor has been signed by thousands, but in response to the criticism, Currie stood by his comments and said he has no plans to step down.

He told CTV News: “If I hurt somebody, that’s their problem, not mine.

“But anyways, I did not say, I don’t say what I do say, OK, to offend people.”

Jim Waddington, who organises Pride in the nearby town of Orangeville, described the response from the Canadian mayor as “disgraceful”.

Addressing Bob Currie, he said: “Your fossil mentality in regards to this type of new world needs to be removed.”

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