Hateful letter to ‘you gays’ from ‘Black heterosexuals’ posted to house for flying Pride flag and Black Lives Matter banners

The letter attempts to stir up divisions between the LGBT+ community and BLM

A person who displayed the Pride flag and Black Lives Matter banners at their home has shared an abusive letter they received.

Washington DC culture blog Popville shared the letter, which was posted to a resident of the city’s Shaw neighbourhood over their choice of signage.

Hateful letter to ‘you gays’ posted to house flying Pride flag.

The anonymous letter, which claims to be sent on behalf of “Black heterosexuals,” lays into “you gays” for “riding on the coattails” of the civil rights movement.

It reads: “We Black hetrosexuals [sic] resent that you gays would equate the gay Pride movement with the Black Lives Matter movement.

“The facts are that most Black people are religious and moral, and do not support the gay rights lifestyle or movement even though you gay people try to ride on the coattails of the Black Lives Matter movement.”

Pride flag letter: It attempts to stir up divisions between the LGBT+ community and BLM

The letter attempts to stir up divisions between the LGBT+ community and Black Lives Matter

The letter goes on to suggest that gay people “are the most racist group of people in America”, putting out “racist properganda [sic]”. It adds: “Some of you gays have even opposed and tried to get rid of Black churches so stop being hypocites [sic].”

People call out attempts to stir up divisions between Black Lives Matter and LGBT+ community.

Respondents swiftly pointed out that while Black Lives Matter movement is emphatically LGBT-inclusive and that one of its co-founders, Alicia Garza, is a queer Black woman who has long campaigned against violence against transgender and gender non-conforming people of colour.

Others noted that while racism exists in the LGBT+ community and homophobia exists in the Black community, there is enormous support for an intersectional approach.

One commenter made clear: “Thankfully, one bigot does not speak for the BLM movement, which has displayed incredible solidarity with LGBT+ people – especially trans people – at rallies in every major city.”

Another quipped: “Imagine, if you will, a world in which Black people can be gay.”

One response simply read: “James Baldwin, Angela Davis, Bayard Rustin, Marsha P Johnson, Langston Hughes, Audre Lorde, Alvin Ailey, Lorraine Hansberry, Barbara Jordan, et al.”

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