Billy Porter eviscerates ‘con artist’ Donald Trump for causing an American ‘genocide’ with his white privilege

Billy Porter Black Lives Matter racism

Billy Porter has condemned Donald Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic as “genocide”.

In an interview with NME, the Pose star said that the president’s actions mean “America is f**ked” – and in no uncertain terms, he’s getting away with it because he’s white.

“It’s really f**ked,” Porter said. “To sit and watch the news as a Black man at 50 years old and see… it’s all because of whiteness.

“It’s a cancer that has metastasised all over us, all over the rest of the f**king world.

“Nobody has stood up to this man. Nobody stopped him because everybody who was in a position of power to stop him was white. And whatever he was and whoever he is, and whatever he represented, [it] supported their whiteness.”

The Emmy-award winning star said he’s had a lot of time to reflect during lockdown, with filming of season three of Pose paused due to the pandemic.

“And some days,” he said, “I literally want to smash things.”

Billy Porter compares Boris Johnson and Donald Trump.

Porter, who is known for his iconic style, including that tuxedo dress, was also clear about what he saw as the difference between Donald Trump and Boris Johnson.

“Listen, here’s what I say: Boris Johnson actually believed his bulls**t. He’s actually living his bulls**t – that’s why his a*s got sick,” Porter said.

“Trump ain’t sick yet. He’s lying to us and doing something else behind closed doors… There is no way on the planet that that b***h shouldn’t be in the hospital on a ventilator if he was living the way he’s talking. It’s called genocide. That’s what it’s called; who’s gonna say that? Who’s going to remove him? It’s treason.

“I can tell you, if it was a Black man, it would not have happened,” he continued. “I can tell you that **t for sure. I can tell you for certain. If Obama had done one of the things that this white man has done, they would have hung him from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, from a tree for all the world to see, two weeks into this mess. You can trust and believe that.

“You want to know what white privilege is – that’s what white privilege is.

“White privilege is: we’re sitting in the s**t of what white privilege means. That this white man who was a D student, who was a liar, who’s a con artist, can win the presidency of the United States of America and destroy the entire world in the process? That’s privilege.

“That’s the white privilege ’cause the Black man would never be able to do that.”


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