Laverne Cox and Trace Lysette banned from dating app after being reported by transphobes

Laverne Cox and Trace Lysette

Trans actors and icons Laverne Cox and Trace Lysette have revealed they were both banned from the dating app Hinge after transphobes reported their profiles.

Hustlers star Trace Lysette wrote on Twitter on Friday, July 24: “More transphobic dating fun. This time from Hinge – so exhausted with these dating apps allowing people to report trans women for no reason. As if dating isn’t exhausting enough.”

She then posted a screenshot showing that she had been banned from Hinge for “violating the terms of service” on the dating app.

The next day, star Laverne Cox reported similar treatment. Responding to Lysette’s tweet, she wrote: “Yeah, I was blocked on Hinge as well.” 

Various dating apps have been accused of deleting the profiles of trans people when they’re reported for no other reason than being trans, including Tinder in 2017. 

Hinge was quick to rectify the situation for the two actors, replying to Lysette: “Hi Trace. Well this is embarrassing, but our moderators didn’t believe it was you!

“We’ve immediately reinstated your account. We’re truly honored to have you on our app. Please accept our sincere apologies and — as a small token of appreciation — a lifetime preferred membership.”

Lysette appreciative that the app had reinstated her account, but suggested that more was done to stop trans people being banned simply for being trans.

She told Hinge: “Thanks for reinstating. Maybe there is some way to ensure it wasn’t people reporting for being trans.

“I know other trans women have experienced this too. I appreciate your intent for inclusivity. It’s rough out here.”

Hinge sent a similar message to Cox on Twitter, writing: “We’re honored that you chose us to help you find love. We’re so sorry our people thought having you on Hinge was too good to be true.

“Your account has been reinstated and we’ve given you a lifetime preferred membership, which we hope you won’t need for long.” 

The Orange is the New Black star thanked the dating app, but made it clear that she hoped their quick response was not only for those with large social media followings.

She said: “Hopefully all the trans folks on your platform who routinely get flagged simply for being trans will get similar treatment.”

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