Donald Trump Jr locked out of Twitter for sharing false coronavirus info from homophobic doctor who believes in demonic sex illnesses

Donald Trump Jr

Donald Trump Jr has had his Twitter account restricted for sharing a video of an anti-LGBT+ doctor who thinks people get sick because of sex with demons talking about coronavirus.

Twitter confirmed it has limited Trump Jr’s account for “spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19”.

The president’s son was one of many Trump-aligned figures to share a video of Houston doctor Stella Immanuel supporting Trump’s baseless claim that antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine should be used to treat coronavirus.

In the video, the Nigerian-born doctor – who says she “went to medical school in West Africa” but does not specify where — falsely claimed that face masks aren’t necessary to stop the transmission of the virus.

Stella Immanuel thinks the government is run by reptiles.

Immanuel is a conspiracy theorist and a homophobe who has lashed out at the gay agenda and believes that medical issues are caused by sex with demons.

The doctor, who is also an independent baptist minister, has previously claimed that alien DNA is used in medical treatments, that the government is run by “reptilians”, and that scientists are making a vaccine to stop people from being religious.

The Daily Beast notes that she has frequently claimed that gynaecological problems are caused by people having sex in their dreams with demons and witches.

Houston doctor Stella Immanuel

Houston doctor Stella Immanuel

Immanuel also has a long and vocal record of public homophobia, uploading lengthy sermons to her YouTube channel asking: “How long are we going to allow the gay agenda, secular humanism, Illuminati and the demonic New World Order to destroy our homes, families and the social fibre of America?”

Her videos, which regularly attract hundreds of views,  include an hour-long rant against the Supreme Court’s 2015 decision to legalise same-sex marriage.

She also appears to have promoted conversion therapy in the past, with her website claiming of homosexuality: “All kinds of sexual bondage can be broken through the power of the blood of Jesus. As you pray sincerely with a contrite/repentant heart, God will set you free from the chains of sexual perversion.”

Donald Trump Jr’s locked out of Twitter over ‘misleading and potentially harmful’ video.

Donald Trump Jr’s Twitter account will be locked for 12 hours, Twitter said.

The video was retweeted by the president himself and was also boosted by a string of right-wing figures. It has been pulled down from Twitter and also removed from Facebook for violating COVID-19 misinformation policies, but only after it racked up millions of views between the two websites.

Twitter’s action against Trump Jr is a long time coming, given his lengthy record as an anti-transgender MAGA troll.

Transgender cyclist Rachel McKinnon revealed in December that she faced death threats and disgusting abuse online after being targeted by Trump Jr.

He also trolled a queer news outlet with a “joke” about HIV.

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