Call Me by Your Name director to helm ‘bisexual hustler’ drama about Hollywood’s secret gay past

call me by your name

Call Me by Your Name director Luca Guadagnino is set to direct a film about a “bisexual hustler” who arranged dates for gay Hollywood movie stars at a time when same-sex relationships were strictly forbidden.

The film will be based on the documentary Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood and its script will be penned by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, Deadline reports.

The upcoming project will focus on World War II veteran Scotty Bowers, a bisexual male hustler who arranged dates for gay Hollywood film stars from the 1940s until the start of the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s.

The 2017 documentary was based on Bowers’ 2012 memoir, titled Full Service: My Adventures in Hollywood and the Secret Sex Lives of the Stars.

Scotty Bowers was beloved by queer Hollywood stars for helping them have sex in a safe environment.

Bowers arranged sexual liaisons between queer Hollywood film stars at a gas station over the course of many decades.

He was lauded by queer stars for creating a safe environment where they could explore their sexualities without fear of repercussion.

Searchlight Pictures purchased the rights to Bowers’ story last year following the release of the 2017 documentary.

Guadagnino captured the hearts of queer people across the world with 2017’s Call Me by Your Name, starring Timothée Chalamet and Armie Hammer.

He has kept busy ever since – he was recently announced as director of an upcoming Scarface remake with a script by the Coen brothers.

Call Me by Your Name sequel is still in the works.

But that doesn’t necessarily mean Call Me by Your Name is all in the past. The director has expressed his desire to shoot a sequel to the acclaimed film.

Speaking to Italian magazine La República in April, Guadagnino said that both Chalamet and Hammet had already signed on to star in the sequel.

“Before coronavirus, I had a trip to the United States to meet a writer I love very much, whose name I don’t want to say, to talk about the second part,” Guadagnino said.

“Unfortunately, we had to cancel it. Of course, it is a great pleasure to work with Timothée Chalamet, Armie Hammer, Michael Stuhlbarg, Esther Garrel and the other actors.”

“Everyone will be in the new movie,” the Italian director confirmed.


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