Glee star Kevin McHale admits he ‘accidentally poisoned’ his boyfriend with sausage

Glee star Kevin McHale with boyfriend Austin McKenzie

Glee star Kevin McHale was worried that his boyfriend had coronavirus, but he’d actually given him food poisoning by way of a chicken sausage.

McHale, best known for playing Artie Abrams in Glee, went public with boyfriend and fellow actor Austin McKenzie in 2018.

The pair both featured in When We Rise, a 2017 TV miniseries created by Dustin Lance Black that told the story of the struggle for LGBT+ equality in the US.

Last week, the couple had a scare when they believed McKenzie had contracted coronavirus, but all was not as it seemed.

McHale took to Twitter on Sunday (August 2) to tell his followers what really happened, and wrote: “But have you undercooked chicken sausage (unintentionally) and then served it to your bf and then he got superrrrr sick and you thought it was COVID and you got tested twice but nah you just fed him salmonella?

“He should break up with me. I would.”

When one fan responded “AUSTIN YOU NEED TO TAKE AWAY HIS PHONE”, McHale added: “He’s asleep because I poisoned him!”

The actor later posted a screenshot of a Twitter bio under McKenzie’s name which read: “I left Twitter years ago. I’m back on now to monitor my thirsty boyfriend, Kevin McHale, who ‘accidentally’ gave me salmonella five days ago.”

One Twitter user pointed out that their predicament was eerily similar to another queer couple who had a raw chicken disaster.

They responded to McHale: “Kevin I know you’re making jokes about the X Factor audition from a decade ago where the boyfriend undercooked chicken and then they auditioned separately and then made up during the audition.”

X Factor contestants Octavia Donata Columbro and Bradley Hunt auditioned for the show in 2016 under the name Bratavio, and made headlines when the pair had a very emotional row about undercooked chicken before they had even auditioned.

McHale responded that he “legit” didn’t know, and had never watched X Factor auditions.


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