Paris Jackson doesn’t want to label her sexuality because she’s dated ‘more than just men and women’

Paris Jackson sexuality

Michael Jackson’s daughter Paris Jackson thinks society is “getting past the need for labels”, and so she doesn’t feel the need to label her own sexuality.

The 22-year-old model and musical artist has often spoken about her sexuality and her attraction to more than one gender, but has consistently chosen not to label herself.

Speaking to People, she said: “I don’t feel like there is a label for my sexuality that fits.

“Labels in general, not just for sexuality but for everything, I think, are just ways for humans to make sense of the world, to be able to compartmentalise… We’re getting past the need for labels. It’s beautiful.”

The media has often described Jackson as bisexual, and she added that while she doesn’t find it “hurtful”, it still “doesn’t feel right” when people label her incorrectly.

Paris Jackson rejects labels for her sexuality because she’s dated ‘more than just men and women’.

On Tuesday, 4 August, the season finale of Unfiltered: Paris Jackson and Gabriel Glenn was released on Facebook Watch.

The docuseries has given an unprecedented look at the musician’s life with her parter and bandmate Gabriel Glenn.

In a previous episode, Jackson explained further why she definitely doesn’t identify as bisexual.

She said: “I say I’m gay because I guess I am, but I wouldn’t consider myself bisexual because I’ve dated more than just men and women, I’ve dated a man that had a vagina.”

Jackson has spoken about wanting to use her platform to make a difference, and in May she took part in the Black Lives Matter protests in Los Angeles.

She told People that it’s important to keep up the momentum of the movement, and said: “The message I hope people get is to just do your part.

“Don’t be an asshole. Do what you can to make this world a better place.

“There’s no such thing as ‘enough activism for the day’. We all need to get to work and get our hands dirty. No one is going to do it for us.”


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