Televangelist homophobe Pat Robertson is scared Black Lives Matter wants a ‘lesbian, Marxist revolution’

The 700 Club host Pat Robertson. (Screen capture via Twitter)

Pat Robertson, an eccentric televangelist who campaigns for the legalisation of marijuana one day and then says prayer can stop tornadoes the next, may have offered us the answer to the world’s troubles.

The 90-year-old tried to swing a seething broadside against the Black Lives Matter movement on his The 700 Club chat show, claiming that it will lead to a, and we quote: “Lesbian, anti-family, anti-capitalist Marxist revolution.”

And, frankly, that sounds a lot better than the racist, anti-LGBT+ capitalist lump of rock we call home right now. How do we sign up for it, Pat?

Robertson foamed as he criticised Colin Kaepernick, the former quarterback whose football career was effectively ended when he knelt during the US anthem to highlight police brutality and racism during the 2016 NFL preseason.


“Athletes used to be terribly admired by all of society, but their rating has gone to negative because of their association with Black Lives Matter,” Robertson said, citing no actual sources.

“Of course Black lives matter, but that legitimate thing has been hijacked by these radicals.”

These “radicals”, Robertson claimed, aim to “destroy the nuclear family” and paint “Christianity as being racist”.

“They want to up-end the capitalist structure and destroy America,” he bleated on.

“This is a stalking horse for a very, very radical anti-family, anti-God agenda.

“We don’t want to go along with a lesbian, anti-family, anti-capitalist Marxist revolution.”

It was safe to say that a fair few folks on Twitter were ready and rearing for Pat Robertson’s prediction to come true.

Pat Robertson’s comments come after his recent attention-seeking claim that God will only cure the coronavirus if people “confess and forsake” the sin same-sex marriage.

On his reliably-homophobic show, he said the “plague” of being gay has been “allowed to spread throughout our society”.

Robertson also once claimed the US will face a nuclear attack if legislators pass the Equality Act, which would extend existing civil rights laws federally to cover discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

We’re starting to think that maybe, just maybe, Robertson’s clairvoyance isn’t the best here.

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