Disgraced bigot Jerry Falwell Jr found drunk, slurring and bloody in aftermath of pool boy sex scandal, 911 calls reveal

Jerry Falwell Jr: How the Liberty University boss became so powerful

Jerry Falwell Jr was found drunk and injured at his home in Bedford County, Virginia by first responders, according to a leaked 911 call.

Days after reports emerged Falwell Jr “enjoyed” watching his wife Becki Falwell have sex with a former pool boy, emergency services were sent to the couple’s home where they reportedly found the disgraced evangelist intoxicated and bloody.

Becki Falwell dialled 911 at around 2:30am August 31, according to records and 911 audio obtained by HuffPost, telling an operator that her husband was injured.

According to the log she said that Falwell Jr had phoned her while she was at church, at around 11pm, to say he had fallen down some stairs and hit a rubbish bin. Rushing home, she had to break in through the back of the property as all the doors were locked.

Speaking to the dispatcher, Becki Falwell confirmed her husband had been drinking but declined to disclose how much. There was “a lot of blood” around Falwell Jr, she told the dispatcher, according to the file.

“The more I tell you the name, the more you’re going to understand why we’re not talking to you right now,” she said.

Dispatch records noted: “He won’t let her take him to the hospital as he is stubborn. Caller was not forthcoming.”

When emergency medical services workers arrived, they found that Falwell Jr had “gashes” on his face and had “slurred and slowed speech”, an official commented. “Empty alcohol containers” were found.

Jerry Falwell Jr’s fall from grace was swift.

Falwell Jr resigned as president and chancellor of Liberty University, posts he had held since 2007, following a sex scandal involving a former pool boy.

Giancarlo Granda claimed the evangelist enjoyed watching him have sex with Becki Falwell.

Falwell Jr acknowledged his wife’s relationship with Granda, but denied any involvement.

Accompanied by Jerry Falwell, Donald Trump leaves after he delivered keynote address during the commencement at Liberty University in 2017

Jerry Falwell Jr, then president of Liberty University, and US President Donald Trump. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)

The scandal was precluded by a photograph Falwell Jr uploaded to his Instagram account and then deleted, in which he had his trousers partially unzipped and his arm around a young woman.

He held a glass of dark liquid which he claimed in the caption was “just black water”.

It proved to be a tinderbox moment for the religious leader, whose hackneyed apology did little to stop Liberty University’s board of trustees – handpicked for their loyalty to Falwell Jr – to place him on indefinite leave.

The Virginia university banned all LGBT+ groups in 2006 on the grounds of “morality”, and under Falwell’s leadership secured an exemption from federal anti-discrimination laws to allow it to discriminate against LGBT+ people in 2014.

Falwell Jr left the post permanently following the “poolboy” scandal, and will reportedly receive a $10 million severance payout.

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