Joe Biden tops Donald Trump in significant new poll, with three-quarters of LGBT+ voters saying enough is enough

Joe Biden tops Donald Trump in significant new poll of LGBT voters

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has topped Donald Trump in a new poll, which shows that three-quarters of LGBT+ voters have had enough of the current administration.

Seventy-six per cent of likely LGBT+ voters will choose Joe Biden in the US election on 3 November, according to a poll of 800 LGBT+ adults coordinated by media advocacy group GLAAD.

And 75 per cent of those surveyed had an unfavourable opinion of president Trump, who today tested positive for coronavirus just 32 days ahead of the election.

Eighty-eight per cent of those eligible had registered to vote.

“LGBT+ voters are poised to make a deciding difference this election year. Today’s poll demonstrates a monumental lead for vice president Joe Biden in the race for president,” said GLAAD president and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis.

“The poll should put to rest the misinformation from unreliable sources about where critical LGBT+ voters stand in this election, misinformation that’s unfortunately been repeated in the media.”

Earlier this week, Eric Trump – the president’s second-eldest and second-worst son – caused widespread bafflement when he told Fox And Friends that LGBT+ people “come out in full force for my father every single day”.

According to the GLAAD poll, just 17 per cent of LGBT+ voters think they will choose Trump on 3 November. Eighty-one per cent of likely LGBT+ voters said they are more motivated to vote in 2020 than in recent elections.

While support for Kamala Harris was lower among LGBT+ voters, with 50 per cent having a favourable opinion of her, this dwarfed support for Mike Pence, which stood at just 13 per cent.

Mike Pence, known for his hardline anti-LGBT+ beliefs, has been core to efforts to roll back equality under the Trump administration.

The former Indiana governor has an abysmal record on LGBT+ rights, both before and during his vice presidency. In response to the Supreme Court’s historic June ruling making it illegal to fire workers for being gay or trans, Pence vowed to stack the courts with even more conservatives if Trump is re-elected for a second term.

Pence’s anti-LGBT+ beliefs have persisted throughout much of his career – sitting at the core of his ideology and politics long before he entered the national spotlight as Trump’s running mate in 2016.



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