‘Gays for Trump’ rally planned to ‘take over’ the famously queer West Hollywood. Only a few dozen people turned up

Gays for Trump

A “Gays for Trump” event that was planned to take over the streets of West Hollywood fell hilariously flat after it only managed to muster 70 people.

The “Gays and Housewives Take Over WeHo” rally was organised by the Log Cabin Republicans to bolster support among the LGBT+ community, whom Trump actually claims are among his “biggest supporters”.

Unfortunately for the president only a handful of those supporters actually materialised, despite 43 percent of West Hollywood residents identifying as LGBT+.

According to WeHoville there were no more than 70 people at the event, which spanned a single block – far from the “take over” organisers had hoped for.

Videos posted on social media showed protesters clad in Trump 2020 gear agitating people who were dining outside, and several confrontations with bystanders who booed, swore, and shouted “shame” as they passed.

As Lady MAGA, a Trump-supporting drag queen, marched through the streets, a man shouted that the activists who rioted at Stonewall would be ashamed. “Drag queens have died on the street for your right to walk in those heels,” he said.

Predictably no masks were worn by any of the attendees, even though West Hollywood has enacted a mask mandate and public gatherings are limited to 10 people or less.

But police reportedly showed little interest in intervening, and observers noted law enforcement acting friendly and posing for photos with the protestors.

“I’ve been to numerous rallies on both sides at this point, and I have to say that the difference in treatment during fully peaceful protests is drastic — to say the least,” tweeted photographer Chelsea Lauren, who was present at the event.

Max Edwards, a supporter of the president and advocate for the march, told the Los Angeles Blade: “We’re here to support Trump and mostly the LGBTQ community to let them know they have more options than just voting.”

When asked about people who claim that Trump is anti-LGBT+, Edwards said, “I think they’ve got to do their homework. There’s a lot of proof, a lot of stuff out there, that proves that’s not correct.”

Edwards didn’t elaborate further on what this proof might be. However, there is ample evidence of Trump’s anti-LGBT+ policies, despite the White House’s many attempts to overwrite his appalling record ahead of the election.

According to GLAAD’s Trump Accountability Project, the Trump administration has attacked the LGBT+ community at least 181 times since he took office.




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