Sarah McBride, now America’s most powerful trans lawmaker, gives rousing acceptance speech after historic election win

Sarah McBridge gives her acceptance speech.

Sarah McBride, the new Delaware state senator, gave a stirring acceptance speech on the message her election sends to young people.

On Election Day (November 3) McBride claimed a swift victory in her race for the Delaware senate, becoming the first trans person to ever hold office in a state senate.

McBride, who serves as national press secretary of Human Rights Campaign, played a pivotal role in the fight for LGBT+ discrimination protections in Delaware and has lobbied for the Equality Act to extend protections nationwide.

Her election to the Delaware state senate makes her the most powerful trans lawmaker in America.

She officially won her race at midnight, and surrounded by her campaign staff, she gave a moving and powerful acceptance speech.

Sarah McBride: ‘Change is always possible.’

Sarah McBride said: “It is my fervent hope that tonight a young person here in Delaware or in North Carolina or in Texas or anywhere in this country, that they are able to go to sleep tonight with a powerful but simple message: that our democracy is big enough for them too, that their voices matter and that change is always possible.”

She said she wanted to thank “the voters of this district, who have shown throughout this campaign what I have known throughout my life – that they are fair-minded people”.

“They look at candidates based on their ideas and their experience, not on their identities,” Sarah McBride continued.

“And it because of them, it is because of the vote this evening that we are able to send that incredible message to a young person here in this state.

“We also know though that the work isn’t finished. That as wonderful as tonight is, the real hard work begins tomorrow.

“To make sure that I fulfil the obligations I have to the residents of this district, and to work with… all of the Delaware legislators and governor Carney to not just recover and rebuild from the COVID-19 crisis, but to reimagine our community and our society not as it was, but as it should and as it could be.

“To make sure, as I have said from the start of this campaign, that we more fully live up to our values as a state of neighbours.

“But standing before you all, campaigning with you all, celebrating with you all, I have never been more confident that together we can write that chapter in Delaware’s history.”

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