12 ways cis allies can support their trans siblings by putting their money where their mouths are

Trans Day of Remembrance: 12 places trans allies should donate to

Trans charities, organisations, crowd funds and projects that you can donate to right now.

Each year, on 20 November, we mark Trans Day of Remembrance.

It’s a day to honour and remember the trans lives lost to transphobic violence – overwhelmingly, those murdered are trans women of colour.

Also on this day, there will be an outpouring of support for trans lives from cisgender allies. Politicians, celebrities, charities and public figures will speak, post and write about Trans Day of Remembrance. It’s a day on which we can draw attention to the struggles trans people face, and – unusually, for trans-related issues – it’s a day that is broadly observed and respected.

Stats and infographics about transphobic violence will be shared, and allies will doubtless talk about the importance of pronouns. But one aspect of meaningful allyship that we should quietly do more of is sharing financial resources.

A third of UK employers admit they wouldn’t hire an openly trans person. Trans youth are shockingly over-represented in homelessness statistics. Spiralling waiting times for NHS healthcare force many trans people to crowdfund for private treatment.

This depressing list could go on, but instead, here is a list of trans charities, crowdfunders and trans-run organisations for cis people who can to direct their money towards.

1. Fund to provide free therapy to Black trans people, from new organisation Black Trans Foundation.

2. Crowdfunder for legal fees for British families trying to be reunited with their trans kids.

3. National trans healthcare fund, for those struggling to access NHS treatment, from trans-run community org We Exist.

4. Gendered Intelligence, the national trans-led charity supporting trans and non-binary people in the UK.

5. TransActual UK a trans-run organisation dispelling anti-trans myths.

6. What The Trans?! a vital trans news podcast with a Patreon.

7. Trans Mutual Aid Manchestera newly established mutual aid fund that will begin giving out grants in the spring.

8. SWARM – the sex worker advocacy and resistance movement – has a COVID-19 hardship fund for sex workers.

9. The Outside Project, LGBT+ community space and homeless shelter, donate here.

10. What Can We Do, a UK collective fundraising for Black and Brown trans people’s healthcare, mental health, and housing.

11. Traveller Pride‘s solidarity fund for trans and non-binary travellers.

12. Donate to keep the trans and non-binary helpline from Bristol Mind running.

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