Notorious ISIS terrorist desperate to return to the UK wishes he could’ve seen gay men thrown from buildings

terrorist Aseel Muthana regrets not seeing gay people thrown from buildings

An ISIS terrorist from Cardiff, who is asking to return to the UK after being radicalised, has said he regrets not getting to see gay people thrown from rooftops.

ISIS terrorist Aseel Muthana, 24, said he was upset to have missed the executions of gay people in an interview with The Mirror from a “secret holding cell in north-east Syria”.

As a teenager in Cardiff, Muthana worked for years as a recruiter for the terrorist group, using social media to radicalise others.

His older brother, who also became a member of ISIS, left for Syria at the beginning of 2013. Muthana, who was 17 at the time, left his job selling ice cream in Cardiff and followed him a few months later.

He remained with the group until its defeat by western-backed Syrian Democratic Forces in Bargouz last year, and has remained in prison with other ISIS members ever since.

Insisting he should be allowed to return to the UK, he said he blames his brother for his radicalisation, and claimed that he was never present for, and never took part in, any violence.

Despite his claims, Muthana said he regrets that he never got to see a gay person thrown from a rooftop.

He said: “I have never seen that. It happened near my house one time and I was told by someone ‘you missed it’ and I like was argh, the guy being thrown off. I was always being told ‘you just missed this and you missed that’. I was like everyone’s watching it.”

He added: “I wanted to like, I guess, witness it. It’s curiosity killed the cat.”

Muthana acknowledges that he would go to prison if he did return to the UK, but claims that he should be rehabilitated.

“I feel abandoned by the UK,” he said. “I have human rights. I should be rehabilitated.”

He added: I mean, okay, let’s say I was a criminal – you can’t just leave me. It’s normal – for human rights.

“Even if I was a criminal I should be rehabilitated. Have some sort of contact with my family, my country.”

Muthana’s father told The Mirror that his son was “polite” before he joined the terrorist group, and said that if he returned home he would have to be “deradicalised”.

ISIS terrorist Aseel Muthana sent flirtatious messages other men.

In 2016, during the trial of three men who helped Aseel Muthana travel to Syria, it was revealed that the terrorist had often sent “flirtatious” messages to other men. 

Kristen Brekke, Adeel Ulhaq and Forhad Rahman were jailed for a total of fifteen and a half years.

During trial, evidence showed that Muthana would often message Rahman, using pet names like “honey”, and signing off messages with kisses, heart symbols and declarations of love.

In one message, Muthana tried to convince Rahman to come to Syria with him, to which he responded: “Radicalise me, babe.”

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