Yungblud comes out as a polyamorous member of the LGBT+ community


Pop punk singer Yungblud has said for the first time that he considers himself a member of the LGBT+ community, and is polyamorous.

Last year, Yungblud described his sexuality as “more straight” but insisted he was “very fluid about it”. Now, he said, “everything has f**king changed”.

Speaking with Attitude, after winning the publication’s 2020 Gamechanger Award, he said: “I probably would say now, I am polyamorous. Before I didn’t f**king know what I was.

“I was meeting people and learning… by meeting them and talking about sexuality and gender, I [was] going, ‘Oh my f**king God, maybe I’m this, if I’m going to be f**king close to anything on the spectrum.'”

“I’m still quite weird about going, ‘This is what I am,’ to the world because I’ve never really said it,” he said.

Asked if he considers himself a member of the LGBT+ community, the singer responded: “I know it’s such a massive statement to me, but probably, yeah, I think I would.

“I haven’t said that yet because I don’t want some mad article everywhere going, ‘Yungblud comes out as f**king pan!’

“I wasn’t into that idea – like, my sexuality is mine and I’m proud of it. But, as I say, I probably would say that, yeah, because I f**king don’t know, I love everyone, I’m attracted to everyone.”

Yungblud, whose real name is Dominic Harrison, said that while he has never publicly had a relationship with a man, he has “definitely f**king like hooked up” with them.

“What’s crazy,” he said, “is I didn’t preconceive that, but when that happened, I was like, ‘Oh!’ And it’s confusing because you’re like, ‘Holy s**t, you’re beautiful and I f**king had a great time and it’s magic.’

“You’ve got to lose yourself in a load of people to figure who you are sexually… f**k me, bruv, two years [ago], I f**king hated olives, now I love olives!”

Yungblud said that his former partner Halsey “taught him so much” about his sexuality.

He said: “The conversations we would have at night, she has such knowledge because she’s been openly bisexual for years… it’s so funny when you’re dating someone, yet [you] owe them a lot towards your sexuality; even though she is not a man, she made me go, ‘Oh my God, I probably like am into that.’

“I met someone, and she changed my whole perception of what love could be. It didn’t work out in the end because we’re better as friends and I think that’s what it was – we’re, kind of, very the same, so that was weird for us.”

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