Noah Cyrus apologises to Candace Owens after using racist slur to defend Harry Styles

Candace Owens Noah Cyrus

Noah Cyrus has apologised to Candace Owens after she used a racist slur while defending Harry Styles for wearing a dress in a photoshoot.

Noah, the younger sister of Miley Cyrus, lashed out at Black conservative commentator Candace Owens after over comments she made about Styles decision to wear a dress.

Owens was laughed off the internet by most people when she claimed that Styles’ Vogue photoshoot was an “outright attack” on western civilisation and cried: “Bring back manly men.”

Noah Cyrus attempted to defend Styles in her Instagram Stories, saying the former One Direction singer looked “better than any of u nappy a*s heauxz”.

“Nappy” has a long history as a racist slur used against Black people, relating to hair texture.

Candace Owens criticised Noah Cyrus for using the racist slur

Owens quickly hit out at Cyrus, writing: “Any one of woke liberals care to explain to me how Noah Cyrus calling me a ‘nappy a*s hoe’ is not racist? I’m all ears. You guys love cancel culture.” She also tagged Miley Cyrus in the post, telling her to “come get” her sister.

Cyrus later apologised on her Instagrams Stories, writing: “I am mortified that I used a term without knowing the context and history, but I know now and I am horrified and truly sorry.

“I will never use it again. Thank you for educating me. I in no way meant to offend anyone. I am so, so sorry.”

You would be forgiven for thinking that a man wearing a dress on the cover of a magazine shouldn’t be a big deal in 2020, but for some reason, it really, really was.

Styles’ choice of clothing for the photoshoot sent conservatives across the world into a tailspin, with many furious that he was  – checks notes – not hurting anybody and simply expressing himself.

Owens, a Trump ally, was at the front of the queue of those condemning Styles for his fashion choices, writing on Twitter: “There is no society that can survive without strong men. The east knows this. In the west, the steady feminisation of our men at the same time that Marxism is being taught to our children is not a coincident. It is an outright attack.”

She added: “Bring back manly men.”

But Harry Styles remains unbothered. Two weeks after Owens’ comments caused a social media firestorm, the “Watermelon Sugar” singer delivered a perfect, subtle clapback in an Instagram post.

Sharing a photo of himself seductively eating a banana, dressed in a corseted suit jacket over a billowing blouse, Styles wrote: “Bring back manly men.”

The picture was taken from a Variety spread, in which Styles directly addressed Owen’s remarks.

“To not wear [something] because it’s females’ clothing, you shut out a whole world of great clothes,” he said.

“And I think what’s exciting about right now is you can wear what you like. It doesn’t have to be X or Y. Those lines are becoming more and more blurred.”


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