Host of raucous gay sex party, where Viktor Orbán’s top ally was arrested, is a ‘wanted man’ in Poland

David Manzheley

The host of the now-infamous gay sex party where Viktor Orbán’s MEP was caught shinning down a drainpipe is a wanted man in Poland, reports have confirmed.

The orgy in Brussels on 29 November led to the resignation of Hungarian politician Jozsef Szajer, a founder of Orbán’s anti-LGBT+ Fidesz party and one of his top allies in the European Parliament.

The organiser, David Manzheley, insisted he did nothing wrong by hosting the party that breached coronavirus restrictions, adding that he regularly organises these types of orgies for public figures, including members of Poland’s homophobic leading party PiS.

He may now be wishing he’d stayed out of the spotlight as he’s been identified as the same David Manzheley who’s wanted for multiple counts of fraud in Poland.

Soon after the scandal made international news the Polish outlet Onet confirmed that Manzheley is Polish by birth and has over a dozen court proceedings pending in his name.

According to their sources, Manzheley accepted work as a “lawyer” to prepare official documents on behalf of third parties, which he then could not deliver.

He has also sued judges and attorneys for defamation using forged documents and is known to have impersonated a lawyer who graduated in Israel.

Manzheley told media that he’s a 29-year-old Czech with a Belgian PhD in economics, but criminal records revealed that he’s actually 36 years old and never graduated high school.

Polish authorities have been actively searching for him since June 2019, although officers were apparently trying to locate him even before that.

Police confirmed to TVP Info that they believe the party’s organiser is the same David Manzheley they’ve been looking for, and that his identity will be verified when he’s visited by Belgian police.

Speaking to Onet regarding the allegations, Manzheley denied that he was a wanted man and claimed he’d only been to Poland twice in recent years – in 2011 and 2013 in Konstancin, where he was visiting friends.


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