Donald Trump sends bizarre, incoherent Amy Coney Barrett tweet as Supreme Court declines to back electoral coup

US President Donald Trump

Donald Trump is once again raging about “dumps” after the US Supreme Court rejected a bid to reverse the election result in Pennsylvania.

In a decision on Tuesday, the court rejected the bid from Republican congressman and Trump fanatic Mike Kelly, who had asked for the body to toss out all mail-in ballots cast in the state.

In its one-sentence order, the court said: “The application for injunctive relief presented to justice [Samuel] Alito and by him referred to the court is denied.”

None of the nine Supreme Court justices dissented from the decision as the case was tossed.

Donald Trump shares incomprehensible message after Supreme Court smack-down

Donald Trump opted to mark the moment by boosting an incoherent tweet featuring a picture of the newly-confirmed conservative judge Amy Coney Barrett with glowing eyes.

The leader quote-tweeted a conspiracist Trump supporter, who wrote: “The wheels are coming off. Trump’s inspired massive MAGA tsunami turnout forced them to cheat so big they lost their minds in a fraud frenzy. Their Unconstitutional legal moves alone are dooming them.”

Trump responded: “They got caught because we were leading by so much more than they ever thought possible. Late night ballot ‘dumps’ went crazy!”

The leader has been fixated on “massive dumps” for the past few weeks, to the confusion of pretty much everyone.

US President Donald Trump

US President Donald Trump has grown fixated on ‘dumps’ (Getty/Tasos Katopodis)

President won’t stop fixating on ‘dumps’

He raged on Fox News last month: “This election was over and then they did dumps, they call them dumps, big massive dumps in Michigan and Pennsylvania and all over.

“If you take a look at, you just take a look at just about every state that we’re talking about, every swing state that we’re talking about. And they did these massive dumps of votes. And all of a sudden I went from winning by a lot to losing by a little.”

Federal election officials have made clear that none of the leader’s claims about election fraud are true, while attorney general Bill Barr has also distanced himself from the leader’s increasingly-extremist narrative.

Trump fanatics had hoped that the Supreme Court, which has a 6-3 conservative majority after Trump forced through three nominations in four years. However, despite an influx of Trump judges, the court system has not looked favourably on the leader’s attempts to undermine the election result, rejecting nearly every baseless challenge his lawyers have filed.

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