Pro-LGBT+ Georgia Democrats have ‘spat in the face of Jesus’, according to a failed evangelical Republican

Conservative radio host and minister E.W. Jackson

An evangelical radio host has warned Georgians that it would be spitting in the face of Jesus to vote for pro-LGBT+ candidates.

American Family Radio host and minister E.W. Jackson made the claim ahead of January’s Senate run-off elections in Georgia, which are set to decide the balance of power in the US Senate and shape the first years of Joe Biden’s first term in office.

In the first run-off, incumbent Republican senator David Purdue is facing a challenge from Democrat Jon Ossoff, with polls indicating the two men are currently even.

The second race is a special election, with GOP senator Kelly Loeffler hoping to win the seat she was previously appointed to, amid a strong challenge from the Democratic challenger, Rev. Raphael Warnock.

E.W. Jackson rages at ‘evil Marxist’ Georgia Democrats.

Speaking in a “Wisdom Meditation” segment on Saturday (19 December) noted by Right Wing Watch, Jackson vented of Warnock and Ossoff: “The Bible speaks of marriage, these two clowns down there are both big LGBTQ advocates.

“The Bible makes clear, ‘The fool has said in his heart there is no God’, and these two are both imbued with Marxist ideology. Of course, I’m opposed to them. Of course, I don’t want them to go to the US Senate. This is a national matter.”

He added: “They don’t need to be there, so I’ve been working hard on that.

“You all pray for me that we’ll be successful in alerting, awakening Black Christian voters in Georgia of just how evil the two candidates are that are running for the Democrat Party.

“If you vote for them, you just might as well vote against God, because that’s what it boils down to. If you vote for Warnock or Ossoff and you claim to be a Christian, you really just might as well spit in Jesus’ face, because they both have done that.”

Christian rent-a-mouth radio host E.W. Jackson

Christian radio host E.W. Jackson (Getty)

It is unclear when he believes that Warnock, who been the senior pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta for 15 years, has spat in Jesus’ face, beyond his support for LGBT+ non-discrimination laws.

Republican radio host has an extreme anti-LGBT history.

Jackson was previously the Republican Party nominee for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia in 2013, and launched his own unsuccessful Senate bids in Virginia in both 2012 and 2018.

The radio host is also a coronavirus denier, insisting earlier this year that the real pandemic is a “virulent” strain of “homovirus” destroying America.

Jackson said: “The last thing in the world the Black community needs is more destruction of the family, more attacks on the family, and that’s all this whole homosexual movement amounts to. It is a virulent, violent attack… It is the homovirus for the family.”

Ever a keen wordsmith, Jackson claimed in 2019 that the US would become a “homocracy” if Pete Buttigieg became president.

Of course, with Buttigieg poised to become Joe Biden’s transportation secretary, the homocracy’s limit may be the nation’s roads and rail infrastructure for now. Prepare for a lot of rainbow crossings.

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