Jackie Weaver’s chaotic parish council meeting has already been set to Lady Gaga’s Chromatica, because obviously

A viral video of a virtual parish council meeting descending into chaos, featuring instant icon Jackie Weaver, has been set to Lady Gaga’s Chromatica.

Because, of course. The latest lockdown-viewing sensation is a sweary and foul-tempered Zoom meeting of the Handforth Parish council, located just south of Manchester.

Parish council meetings are usually thought of as sleepy affairs, but a video of Queen Jackie booting chairman Brian Tolver off the Zoom call has been viewed over 3.3 million times.

Tolver had already challenged the legitimacy of the regular planning and environment committee meeting, and the call begins with someone muttering that another councillor – who had tried to raise a point of order – should “f**k off”, under their breath.

Tolver reportedly “proceeded to disrupt the proceedings” and told Jackie “we won’t be thrown out of the meeting like we were last time” before telling her to “stop talking”.

Tolver then told Jackie that she had “no authority here”. He said: “This meeting has not been called according to the law. It’s only the chairman who can remove people from the meeting. You have no authority here Jackie Weaver, no authority at all.”

Unfortunately for him, he was wrong. Jackie “the mother I never had, the sister everybody would want and the friend everybody deserves” Weaver immediately booted him off the call.


But it wasn’t only Tolver causing trouble for Jackie Weaver.

“She’s kicked him out!” said councillor Aled Brewerton, proceeding to yell at Jackie: “Read the standing orders – read them and understand them!”

Jackie kicked Brewerton out, too, along with another “rebel councillor”, Barry Burkhill.


As the meeting disintegrated, other councillors questioned why Tolver had had “clerk” in his Zoom label.

Councillor John Smith said: “He’s not the clerk of the parish council, whether he declares himself the clerk or not.”

Weaver replied: “The chairman simply declared himself ‘clerk’ and notified everybody of the case.

“There is no way of stopping him from calling himself clerk. Please refer to me as Britney Spears from now on.”


But as “READ THEM AND UNDERSTAND THEM” trended on UK Twitter, the footage of Jackie Weacer kicking a parish council member out of a Zoom meeting was set, not to Britney Spears, but to Lady Gaga’s “Chromatica II” into “911” transition.

Responding to going viral, Jackie Weaver told the BBC most council meetings are “just not like that”. She spent this morning explaining the debacle on BBC Woman’s Hour.

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