OnlyFans just banned public sex videos

OnlyFans just quietly banned public sex videos – and creators aren't happy

OnlyFans has quietly banned sexually explicit content made in public, adding to its increasingly lengthy and, some sex workers say, stifling list of prohibited content.

The subscription service popular among amateur and professional adult entertainers, where users pay for content, updated its terms of use sometime in mid-February, according to archived versions of the page.

Content that “was recorded in or is being broadcast from a public place where members of the public are reasonably likely to see the activities being illustrated” is now banned.

Creators must now, one told Vice, prove to the platform that they own the space where they filmed their video or have the property owner’s permission. Nudity, they explained, is only permitted “if it is a private territory”.

Other content banned on the app includes “incest, bestiality, necrophilia, urine” as well as “revenge porn” and “prostitution”.

OnlyFans ban public sex videos, fuelling alarm among content creators 

But in blocking outdoor sex footage from being uploaded, OnlyFans users say the platform risks cutting into content creator’s livelihoods – one already shaken by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Adult content creator Aspen Eden told Vice how much of her output takes place outdoors, “explicit or not”.

Yet, without warning, a video of hers was stripped from OnlyFans on Saturday (13 March). It had violated the platform’s new terms, OnlyFans said in an email.

“All of my content was either created on private property, secluded areas deep in the mountains/deserts or national forests,” she explained.

“None of my content was ever made in a public area with people around or the chance of people walking up. No parking lots, busy streets or public parks.”

As a result of the revised rules, Eden explained that she’s been sent back to the drawing board while she looks for a new platform to upload on.

With no federal law in place, the US is a patchwork of rules when it comes to having sex outdoors. Many states offer differing definitions of what counts as a “lewd” act and what counts as a “public” space.

This suggests, Eden mused, that the new OnlyFans code of conduct might have been done to appease the banks.

Indeed, websites that deal with adult content have long sparred with payment processors over its confusing rules over transactions.

Payments made on adult websites are generally fine but are considered “high-risk” by some banks as some show hesitancy over what kind of sexually explicit content websites share.

Only last year, credit card firms Mastercard and Vica cut ties with Pornhub – blocking customers from using the cards to make purchases – over accusations that Pornhub had illegal content on its website.

PinkNews contacted OnlyFans for comment.

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