‘Christian against Trump’ epically schools pastor over his anti-trans flock

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A West Virginia Christian woman went viral after quitting her church and calling out her pastor on his congregation of anti-trans conspiracy theorists.

Melinda, a daycare provider, had been considering leaving her church as it became increasingly political and pro-Trump, and had started attending services with another church focused on “social justice”.

In a letter addressed to her small-town church pastor, which she shared on Twitter, she said: “After much prayer and soul-searching, I have decided to continue doing my online worshipping and will not be returning.

“Let me just say it is nothing you personally did, I just can not worship with so many that felt this pandemic was a hoax, that [thought] it would be over after the election, that put their own ‘liberties’ before other’s health, and feel science is bad!”

Melinda said she felt that many in the congregation “equate Christianity with patriotism”, and continued: “There is separation of church and state, I do not want to come to church services to be edified and hear prayers about politics.”

The conservative church, she said, was teaching that Democrats were “filled with hate”. She added: “I will not have people like that guiding me in my Christian life. …

“I do not feel it is appropriate for the person in charge of this to have Facebook memes about pushing a trans person off the bridge. I feel there needs to be a lot more love shown to someone if we are going to share the gospel with them.”

Melinda, who explained to her thousands of new followers that she had grown up in a right-wing home with a pastor as a father, received an outpouring of love and praise for her decision.

One Twitter user responded: “Thank you. I am a Christian. I am also a mom of a transgender child. Thank you for standing up for my child who doesn’t deserve to be thrown off a bridge.”

Another responded to her tweet, which has been shared more than 4,000 times: “Love, peace and blessings! Thanks for taking a stand for Christian love and compassion, equality, diversity, inclusion, trans rights, and just plain ol’ basic human decency.”

Melinda’s Twitter bio now describes her as an “ex-Republican”, a “Christian against Trump” and declares that “Black Lives Matter”.


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