COVID-19 still rages and the climate crisis worsens, yet TERFS are spending their time projecting ‘transphobic messaging’ onto the floor

Perthshire Pride twitter image transphobic message

One of Scotland’s LGBT+ community organisations has condemned a transphobic message which was projected in Perth’s city centre.

The projected image, which appeared on Perth’s High Street, included the words: “Stop confusing children.”

Perthshire Pride dubbed the image as “yet another example of transphobic messaging being blatantly displayed in our local area”. The organisation condemned the image in a series of posts on Twitter on Sunday (4 April).

Perthshire Pride wrote: “We would like to express our support to our transgender, intersex and non-binary siblings. We love you and we hear you.

“We also promise you that our work will never stop until we achieve equality and acceptance for everyone.

“We would also like to remind everyone that Scotland is the first nation to adopt LGBT+ inclusive education, with a message adapted to be suitable to every age.”

The pride organisation said the “journey to equality” is “far from being over” despite the country taking a large step towards LGBT-inclusive education in schools.

Scotland announced in 2018 that it would teach LGBT+ issues across various subjects. The Scottish government said it would implement a curriculum across the country to teach about LGBT+ terminology and identities, tackling homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and prejudice about the LGBT+ community, and promoting awareness of the history of LGBTI equalities and movements.

The Daily Record reported the transphobic message was also accompanied by an image of education secretary and Perthshire North MSP John Swinney beside “offensive” and “crudely drawn pictures of male anatomy”.

The news website also reported the anti-LGBT+ political party Scottish Family Party was responsible for the images. The Daily Record said the political party claimed the addition of LGBT-inclusive lessons in Scottish schools is “dangerous to young people, leading to confusion and unhelpful experimentation”.

A Scottish Family Party spokesperson told The Daily Record that the “philosophy of gender fluidity” is “dangerous to young people, leading to confusion and unhelpful experimentation”. They added the “indoctrination” into the “fashionable philosophy of gender” is inappropriate and “will lead more children down a difficult road that could seriously undermine their wellbeing for the rest of their lives”.

The Scottish Family Party spokesperson said: “We oppose the LGBT Inclusive Education programme that mandates the indoctrination of schoolchildren into a radical ideology of sexuality.

“Civility and tolerance should be shown to all, and bullying in school and criminal activity targeting LGBT people should be dealt with vigorously.

“However, promoting a certain philosophy of sex and relationships and denying alternative views is not necessary to combat bullying.”

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