Pro-Trump evangelical declares the Christian church ‘almost homosexual’ in disturbing sermon

Jeff Jansen describes himself as "well-known worldwide for his miracle/healing anointing and prophetic ministry".

Pro-Trump evangelical Jeff Jansen called the modern church “almost homosexual” and boasted about his ushers carrying guns in a bizarre streamed sermon.

The self-proclaimed “prophet” said that “the church, the Ecclesia, the government of God, has been so neutered and so turned effeminate, almost homosexual” at a service in Oregon.

He didn’t say who or what is responsible for this, but continued his rant about a lack of “maleness” in the church, calling Jesus a “real man”.

“He whipped them. Sorry. He just whipped them,” he added. “He was a man.”

Jansen went on to brag about the ushers in his church carrying guns, claiming: “If you come to my church and you think about starting something, you’re dead. They’ll kill you.”

He also asked the audience: “Where are the men? Where’s the maleness? Where is the: ‘I will defend the children, I will protect the family?'”

Many responded to the video shared by Right Wing Watch on Twitter, calling the sermon “disturbing” and “equally hilarious and horrifying”.

Thankfully, many just jumped into the conversation to mock him: “Check out his church this Sunday! Maybe the ushers won’t kill you!”

Unfortunately, this newest rant is not off-brand for ‘prophet’ Jeff Jansen.

Jeff Jansen is the founder of Tenessee church Global Fire Ministries International. He claims on his website that he is “well-known worldwide for his miracle/healing anointing and prophetic ministry, often giving revelatory directives for not only individuals but regions and nations”.

According to a Newsweek report, Jansen previously claimed that Donald Trump did not actually lose the US presidential election and will be reinstated “by the end of April”, calling the inauguration of Joe Biden “fake”.

He added: “President Trump has never conceded, he never agreed to anything, never stepped away, never conceded. He basically stepped aside momentarily, while things are being sorted out.”

He recently published a book titled The Destiny of God’s America in which George Washington “shares his visions in first-person narrative, without editing”.

As well as being an unedited narrative from the first US president, the book also “paves the road to an American comeback” and shows readers how “God will play his TRUMP card.”

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