Alleged neo-Nazi charged with 12 terror offences ‘wanted to start race war’

neo-Nazi Andrew Dymock

A student is accused of promoting a virulently homophobic neo-Nazi group in a bid to start a British “race war” against people of colour.

Andrew Dymock, 23, is on trial at the Old Bailey charged with 12 terror offences and three other hate crimes after he was arrested by counter-terror police on his way to the US in June.

He promoted the neo-Nazi System Resistance Network (SRN) group through Twitter and a terrorist website while he was studying at Aberystwyth University, the court was told.

Jocelyn Ledward, prosecuting, said that Dymock raised money for SRN and encouraged others to participate in terrorist activity, including the rape of police officers and the “extermination” of Jews.

“[The group’s] clarion call was for the expulsion of all minorities and a white revolution,” she said. “Its online campaign comprised virulently racist, antisemitic and homophobic propaganda, which sought to stir up a race war against ethnic minorities and others that it perceived as race traitors.

“The group describes homosexuality as a disease,” she added.

Andrew Dymock, who wore two LGBT+ pride pins on his lapel as he appeared in court, denied being a Nazi and said he identifies as bisexual.

“I am bisexual but lean towards being homosexual, in direct conflict with Nazism,” he told detectives, insisting that the Nazis were “not far right”.

However, a search of his bedrooms at home and university found several books, flags, clothes, flags and badges with links to the extreme right wing, the court was told.

One of the documents allegedly found in his possession was a poster entitled: “Rape the Cops. System whores get the f***ing rope.”

Articles on his website included the titles “Join your local Nazi”, “The truth about the Holocaust” and “Homosexuality, the eternal social menace,” jurors heard.

An examination of his computer allegedly revealed longstanding extremist views dating back to when he was aged 17; his text message history is said to have included a message to a girlfriend in 2018 which said: “I just had a great dream where I went around the Wild West executing f*****s with a .44 magnum revolver.”

In another message he declared he was “1488 till I’m in the crate,” in reference to a neo-Nazi numerical code, jurors heard.

During several police interviews, Andrew Dymock denied responsibility for the SRN website and Twitter account, and said material on his devices must have been planted by others or that he had a reasonable excuse for having some items, namely his academic studies.

He denies five charges of encouraging terrorism, four counts of disseminating terrorist publications, two of funding terrorism, and one each of stirring up racial hatred, hatred based on sexual orientation, possessing a terrorist document, and possessing racially inflammatory material.

The trial continues.

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