Dawson’s Creek star Busy Phillips explained non-binary child’s pronouns to grandma in the best way

Busy Phillips Birdie Silverstein non-binary

Busy Phillips has explained how she spoke to her mother about her non-binary child Birdie’s pronouns.

The Dawson’s Creek star and abortion rights campaigner revealed on a December episode of her Busy Phillips Is Doing Her Best podcast that her eldest child Birdie Leigh, 12, is gay and uses they/them pronouns.

In a new interview with Health.com she shared that Birdie is “femme-presenting non-binary”, and explained how she spoke to her own mother about their pronouns.

“My mom is older and wants to understand the pronoun conversation more,” she said.

“There are some really good books out there — like What’s Your Pronoun? Beyond He & She by Dennis Baron.

“I said to my mother, ‘Here’s the deal: You don’t have to understand it.’ That’s how I feel about all human rights — you don’t have to understand it.

“You can choose to believe what you want, but you don’t get to have jurisdiction over anyone else’s body or belief system.”

Phillips previously opened up about how she initially struggled to adjust to her child’s new pronouns.

Busy Phillips ‘leads by example’ in teaching her kids to ‘stand up for what’s right’

On how she and husband Marc Silverstein set an example to their kids when it comes to mental health, wellness and standing up for what’s right, Busy Phillips added: “I think the secret with kids is leading by example.

“I make a concerted effort to be aware of how I talk about diet and exercise around them — like, what my intention and goals are with those things.

“I’m also lucky that I have a partner in Marc, who does cycling and works out for his own mental health.

“We talk about therapy in our house and never shy away from hard conversations.”

“I’ve always been open — but not in that ‘I’m not a regular mom; I’m a cool mom’ way,” she continued.

“I don’t want to be my kids’ best friend. I want them to know by watching me what my values are and the things that are important.

“You can tell your kids to stand up for what’s right until you’re blue in the face. If they don’t see you doing it, they never will.”

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