Massive Overwatch 2 overhaul includes switch to 5v5 matches, one tank per team and new maps

Blizzard has revealed plans to cut their popular multiplayer first-person shooter game Overwatch 2’s PvP teams down to 5 from 6.

The Overwatch franchise has been a fan favourite since its release back in 2016. Players are placed into two teams of six, with each person selecting from a large roster of characters, known as “heroes”, with unique abilities. Teams then work to complete map-specific objectives within a limited period of time.

However, last night (20 May) it was announced that Overwatch 2 will switch from the long-established format of two teams of six to two teams of five – ultimately changing the player-versus-player mode. During the stream game director, Aaron Keller announced: “that the new team composition for Overwatch 2 will consist of two damage heroes, two support heroes, and one tank”.

There were previously two tanks per team.

He continued to explain that “tanks can be problematic and noisy, and Blizzard has always tried to make our combat easy to read and very understandable and … sometimes it’s just hard to track what 11 other players are doing on the battlefield. Removing two of those simplifies everything and it allows players to understand everything that’s happening around them and make better choices because of it.”

The in-game change from 6v6 to 5v5 will mean players who main tank characters can play more aggressively now, taking on a “more hybrid stance on the damage side of things.” It’ll certainly be interesting to see how it all develops.

(Blizzard Entertainment)

There will also be tweaks to a couple of heroes, including robot-turned-turret Bastion. Also, the developers revealed brand-new maps such as Rio, New York, Monte Carlo, and Toronto have been revealed. It’s all pretty exciting.

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