Evangelical bigots are crying over rainbow-coloured cereal ‘pushing a radical agenda’ because of course they are


Another day, another right-wing boycott – and the latest lucky multinational conglomerate to be targeted by angry evangelicals is Kellogg’s.

Last month the company launched a Pride-themed glittery breakfast cereal, “Together with Pride,” in support of the LGBT+ advocacy group GLAAD.

And as surely as the turning of the tides and the UK losing Eurovision, the right-wing evangelicals can always be relied upon to kick their toys out of the pram.

“Kellogg’s is funding attacks on free speech!” cried 2nd Vote, a consumer organisation claiming to be a “Conservative Watchdog for Corporate Activism”.

The group labelled Kellogg’s “a poor choice for values-conscious consumers” for partnering with GLAAD, thereby supporting the Equality Act, which would “force religious organisations to validate every aspect of the LGBT agenda”.

“Instead of buying food colouring-soaked hearts coated with glitter, consider a healthier offering from a different brand that serves its customers instead of bowing to far-left activists,” they suggested.

The next anti-LGBT+ group to hit the boycott button was The Ruth Institute, an extremist Catholic hate group led by longtime marriage equality opponent Jennifer Roback Morse.

For her, a box of glittery cereal represents “a radical agenda that targets children and families”.

“Not only are they pushing the LGBTQ agenda, they’re directly subsidising it,” she moaned. “These companies are virtue-signalling to the cultural elite and everyone who buys in to its agenda. They’re saying, ‘We’re nice guys. We love everyone. Buy our product.'”

Meanwhile, the ultraconservative LifeSite News – newly banned from Facebookwas spitting feathers over the playful “pronoun options” on the box, a clear attempt by Kellogg’s to ensure children “can go woke just after waking,” they claimed.

And the Catholic organisation American Society for the Defence of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) started a petition against the “sickening and perverted” rainbow breakfast cereal, claiming “pro-homosexual agenda is rearing its ugly head in your children’s cereal”.

So far more than 21,000 angry homophobes have signed up to demand Kellogg’s stop selling its “pro-homosexual cereal”.


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