Grand Theft Auto role-players staged a fake election, and it was almost as wild as the real one

Grand Theft Auto role-play

Role-players in Grand Theft Auto V held a state election and it was full of drama and illegal goings-on, as you might expect.

GTA V roleplay is a multiplayer mod for the PC version the game, which turns it from a roaming shoot-em-up with missions into a role-playing multiplayer game.

The election took place in the New Day Grand Theft Auto roleplay server, a fairly new server that focuses on more serious stories.

Players are elected as governor of Los Santos, which allows a character to suggest server features and policies in the game. It was covered by the New Day news site, named after in-game Fox News parody Weazel News.

As reported in Polygon, though, the latest election quickly turned heated – although in this version of reality, no hipster Vikings stormed the Capitol. And all of the wild goings on and intrigue made for great Grand Theft Auto roleplay material.

The election was between Charlie Bradstock (imafaketeddy), the heir to an arms company with business experience, and Andrew McKinley (R3ID), the ambitious Chief Justice.

Bradstock was arrested on election day for battery, for which he pled no contest and served time in Bolingbrook prison. However, the event was caught on camera by a fellow role-playing reporter called Travis Ray.

After a press conference, a Los Santos Police representative refused to confirm whether the arrest would have been made public without those images and players were (faux) furious.

What’s more, the phone function on the New Day server has a fake Twitter app, which soon blew up with comments on conspiracies and corruption. Some even believed McKinley was behind it to thwart his opponent.

Salacious rumours about Bradstock’s arrest included him supposedly lacing food with cocaine and accusations of battery, made by his ex-wife. These soon spread throughout the New Day server and, of course, completely smeared Bradstock’s campaign.

McKinley, inevitably, won the election as a result.

“As far as the campaign went, I fought a pretty clean campaign. Sorry to spoil it, but I had no involvement in the Bradstock misfortune despite what the rumor mill said!” R3ID told Polygon. “It’s been a good journey for my character!”

Bradstock, meanwhile, is using the new publicity to expand his business ventures.

Grand Theft Auto role-play really does get serious.

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