Proud queer high school sweethearts make history as prom queen and queen

same-sex prom queens Carly Levy and Courtney Steine

Two teenage girls have made history, after their classmates voted them in as their high school’s first-ever same-sex prom queen couple.

Carly Levy and Courtney Steine attend Pennridge High School in Pennsylvania, and they told ABC 7 News that their friend, Delaney, had first come up with the idea of nominating them.

While Carly said becoming prom queen has been a “dream since I was a little girl”, Courtney said she was “always the nerd” and thought it would never happen. What they both knew, is that neither of them wanted a king.

The couple have been together for a few months. They were voted for by classmates to become the first same-sex prom royalty at their school, and likely the state.

Carly said: “I wasn’t sure if Pennridge was going to allow it, because this region and this county can lean a little away from allowing that kind of thing to happen. But I was so excited when I found out that it was.”

Courtney explained their outfit choices on the day: “I got her flowers to match my pink gown and she got me flowers too that matched her navy blue gown.”

Once they were crowned, the couple discovered they had received “the most votes, overwhelmingly”. That their win happened during Pride month, Carly said, was the “cherry on top of everything”.

The 18-year-old prom queens are making an impact beyond their high school.

“[My sister] said one of her [co-workers] came over and said: ‘Your sister and her girlfriend made my kid who is gay feel safe and inspired for prom,'” Carly said.

Courtney added: “It gives me hope for so many students. Students who aren’t your typical prom king and queen.”

Sharing the news on Facebook, Courtney wrote: “Proud to announce that we are Pennridge’s first gay couple to win prom queens!

“Not only is this win exciting for us, but it’s exciting for our whole community… It’s so exciting to finally see some progress being made in the Pennridge community, and really goes to show how much progress we’ve made in even the last four years.

“Thank you to all of those wonderful human beings who voted for us, we appreciate your love and support so very much.”

She added: “Let us continue to make progress and continue to make our communities more inclusive for all genders, races, and sexualities. Happy Pride.”

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