Mental health charity Mind refuses to back down after aggressively transphobic pile-on

The logo of charity Mind with two tweets super imposed onto it

After #TransMenAreMen trended on Twitter, British mental health charity Mind proudly stood up for trans rights – only to be hounded by transphobes.

Mind, helmed by Stephen Fry, took to Twitter Wednesday (16 June) to unequivocally say that trans men are men while also stressing that trans men “are more likely to experience mental health problems”.

Then came the transphobes. Mind’s mentions were quickly clogged by Twitter users yelling into the void – so much so that Mind was forced to hide many of the tweets.

Indeed, Mind was hounded by anti-trans Twitter users, which included the LGB Alliance, a high-decibel anti-trans lobbying group, accusing the charity of “virtue signalling“.

Other users, many anonymous, lobbed transphobic dog whistles and totally original lines, calling Mind “delusional” and “abusive”.

You know, for standing up for one of the most vulnerable and marginalised groups in society.

Mind noted that it sought to hide transphobic replies in line with its community guidelines, adding: “People can read the hidden comments if they choose to, but this way they don’t have to if it will be harmful to their mental health.”

As the pile-on continued, Mind issued a follow-up thread shrugging off the anti-trans trolls and reaffirming its support for trans folk.

“We’ve had lots of interaction with this tweet, and have hidden replies which go against our social media community guidelines,” the tweet read.

“Mind is here for everyone with a mental health problem, regardless of their experience or perspective. But our information is evidence-based.

We know that trans people are more likely to experience mental health problems and having their reality denied by those around them contributes to this.

Mind capped off its thread by calling on all trans, non-binary and genderfluid users to ring its support hotline if needed.

Mind applauded for trans allyship by Stonewall co-founders

The charity’s almost graceful response to the trolls drew plaudits from an array of LGBT+ community leaders, trans Twitter users and other mental health charities.

Michael Cashman, a member of the House of Lords and Stonewall co-founder, thanked Mind for its “leadership on this very important issue”.

“Thank you for continuing your inclusive work and speaking out for those most in need and often denied or misrepresented,” he wrote. “I stand with you. Together. Only together.”

“A very classy way to deal with an organised pile on,” tweeted Lisa Power, a Stonewall co-founder and one of Britain’s most venerable sexual health campaigners.

“Many organisations are afraid of organised anti-trans pile-ons, but if you are true to your values, you needn’t fear for anything but your blushes.”

David Paisley, an actor who has emerged as one of the country’s most vocal trans allies, said: “Props to Mind for holding their ground in the face of such unnecessary abuse from the LGB Alliance and their followers.”

Overall, users applauded Mind for sticking by its values – and for trans folk.

According to the American Journal of Preventative Medicine, trans folk a more than four times as likely to experience a mental health problem than cis people. With depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation being most common, the study found.

Trans people are almost more likely to grapple with reduced life satisfaction and increased signs of loneliness, a study published in the BMC Public Health found.

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