Loki sends Marvel fans into orbit by confirming the trickster god is canonically bisexual

Marvel Loki

Loki is bisexual! The new Marvel series sent fans into orbit once again with a blinder of an episode confirming that the God of Mischief is canonically queer.

After episode two gave us Lady Loki, a gender-fluid variant who breaks heteronormativity and the sacred timeline all in one, episode three kept up the pace with confirmation that Loki is bisexual in the MCU.

The big reveal comes after Loki and Sylvie – as she prefers to be known – arrive on Lamentis-1, a faraway moon that’s literally soaked in bisexual lighting.

Before hijacking the civilisation’s power source to recharge their teleportation device, the pair find time to catch up over a drink and get to know each other a little better.

“On the subject of love, is there a lucky beau waiting for you at the end of this crusade?” Loki opens.

Sylvie deflects the question, understandably having little time for love whilst running across time from one apocalypse to another – though she admits she’s found some people are “quite willing in the face of certain doom”.

“How about you?” she asks. “You’re a prince. Must’ve been would-be princesses, or perhaps another prince.”

Tom Hiddleston’s trickster god pauses for a moment. “A bit of both, I suspect the same as you,” he says. “But nothing ever…”

“Real,” Sylvie finishes.

Loki is bisexual and gender-fluid in Norse mythology

The brief but revealing conversation marks the first time the Marvel Cinematic Universe has ever referenced Loki’s sexual orientation.

In Norse mythology Loki is bisexual and gender-fluid.

Industry insiders had previously hinted Disney would be taking the series in this direction, but fans had scarcely hoped for such open LGBT+ representation after previous disappointments.

Within hours of the episode airing on Disney+ viewers took to Twitter to celebrate the canonically bisexual God of Mischief – not just a token queer character but a leading man (and lady).

“They’re the chaotic bisexual siblings that ruin all family reunions I’ve decided,” tweeted one happy fan.

Loki episode four drops on Disney Plus next Wednesday (30 June).


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