Apex Legends actor condemns transphobia with full-throated roar on Harry Potter show

Erika Ishii

Erika Ishii, the voice actress behind Apex Legends’ Valkyrie, said “f**k TERFs” on a Harry Potter inspired TTRPG show. Yes, really.

Ishii is appearing in the latest season of Dimension 20, Dropout’s tabletop RPG comedy show, along with writer and actress Danielle Radford, comedians Lou Wilson and Brennan Lee Mulligan, and Aabria Iyengar as Game Master.

The show is named Misfits and Magic and is inspired by the Harry Potter series, “but it’s hella inclusive” according to a wiki page about the season.

A clip of the latest episode was shared on the Dimension 20 Twitter account and soon went viral, in which Ishii says “I’m just like so into Harry Potter but also, can I say f**k TERFs?”

The others all chimed in to repeat her sentiment.

She then continued: “I still maintain that there is so much in there that, you know, resonated with a lot of us misfits, a lot of us kids that wanted magic and really believed in it and I will never let that part go but f**k TERFs.”

Ishii also shared the clip online, once more garnering plenty of positive engagement.

“Thank you for not leaving it unspoken and giving me and so many other trans people some relief,” reads one reply to the tweet. “God, that was amazingly cathartic to hear!” reads another.

In a follow up tweet, Ishii said: “It’s tough. It gutted me, after the part it played in my life so I understand if anyone doesn’t want to engage with it. But also I want to be magic and funny and do a make believe about a cool Asian character that goes to a wizard school so that’s what I tried to do.”

Erika Ishii is the voice actress behind Valkyrie, the latest Legend to be added to the free-to-play online shooter Apex Legends

In an interview alongside the game’s writer Tom Casielo, Ishii confirmed that Valkyrie is canonically lesbian.

You can watch Erika Ishii in the full series of Misfits and Magic as it releases on the Dimension 20 website.

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