Couple share defiant kiss in front of ‘hateful’ anti-LGBT+ preacher as he tells them to ‘repent’

On the left: A blurred out street preacher in front of a shuttered shop. On the right: Two women sharing a kiss

A crowd staged a kiss-in as they stood up to a “hateful” anti-LGBT+ preacher who spouted vile homophobia at passersby in Leeds, England.

Standing on a foldable step-ladder in front of a shuttered storefront, the preacher told people who simply could not care less about his existence that they must “repent” and “turn from your wicked ways”.

In video footage shared on LeedsLive, the preacher urges shoppers to “put your trust in God” – that is, until they decided to stand up to his hatred in an absolutely glorious way.

Leeds shoppers stage kiss-in as they confront ‘hateful’ preacher

“You need to learn to use your bodies properly,” he added.

And use they did. A crowd quickly formed and faced off against the preacher. “You’re being hateful, my dear!” the crowd shouts.

“God thinks you need to crawl back into whatever hole you came out of and go back into it, my dear,” the same person, who seriously needs to be knighted, added.

“Your understanding was in the 1800s,” the crowd shouts, as the preacher adds: “You need to understand that the rectum was created for defecation, not for penetration.”

We’re going to give that rhyme an F, to be honest.

As the preacher continues to hold his ground, two women stage an impromptu kiss-in – and the crowd cheers and claps in celebration, drowning out the preacher’s vitriol, as their faith in humanity is restored.

“You must repent,” the preacher continues, somehow still speaking. “You can scoff me, you can persecute me, you can pull me down, you can break me.”

“Everybody can be saved if they humble themselves and repent and turn from your wicked ways,” he said earlier in the video.

“If you humble yourself and repent and put your trust in Jesus Christ you shall be saved.”

A near-identical incident happened last month when a preacher – stood at the exact same spot in the city centre – similarly hurled homophobic abuse as shoppers, only for a crowd of dozens to hit back.

The some 30 shoppers gathered opposite the preacher as he called being gay an “abomination” and “lesbianism [an] unnatural and vile passion”.

But his sermons were, at long last, silenced when the West Yorkshire Police forced arrested the man after people reported him for an “ongoing hate incident”.

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