Gay sex proves existence of God by discrediting evolution, crackpot pastor claims

Gay sex proves existence of God, crackpot pastor claims

An evangelical pastor has claimed that “LGBTQ actions” actually prove the existence of God because if “evolution is true” then there would be “no such thing as homosexuality”.

Right Wing Watch posted an online broadcasted sermon from right-wing pastor Jack Hibbs, who preaches at the Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in California. The video opened with Hibbs denouncing LGBT+ people by sharing same-sex relations only come about because of “sheer wanton lust and pleasure only for self”.

He told the congregation that “no family” or “life” can come from such relationships. Hibbs argued that people who accept evolution should oppose “same-sex unions” since such pairings can’t produce “life”. Therefore, he claimed LGBT+ people prove God’s existence.

Hibbs compared humans’ “survival” to elks and how “strong” elk “survive” by procreating with “all the other elkies… does… elkettes” to produce baby elks.

“If you’re an evolutionist, you have to be against same-sex unions,” he said. “If you’re an evolutionist, what is one of the statements? It’s the survival of the fittest, right?”

He continued: “And in evolutionary theory, the survival of the fittest has to procreate…

“But if evolution is true, then there would be no such thing as homosexuality because over the last 400 trillion, billion, zillion, quadbillion, zillion, nillion years, evolution would have washed that out.

“Homosexuality – LGBTQ actions – prove the existence of God because God’s word says this would be some of the outcome and actions of the Last Days.”

This theory about gay sex and the existence of God is easily disproven

LGBT+ “actions” are not only normal in the animal kingdom, but it’s actually common. Same-sex behaviour ranging from co-parenting to sex has been observed in more than 1,000 species, according to the Natural History Museum at the University of Oslo in Norway.

In 2019, a Channel 4 documentary My Gay Dog and Other Animals claimed one in 12 sheep are gay. The documentary featured US professor Charles Roselli who said that at least eight per cent of the woolly participants in an average flock of sheep will be homosexual.

gay sheep channel 4

1 in 12 sheep is gay, says documentary My Gay Dog and Other Animals. (KENZO TRIBOUILLARD/ Getty)

Just this year, a gay pelican couple at the Pelican Harbor Seabird Station in Florida celebrated their 18th anniversary together. Most brown pelicans are “seasonally monogamous”, meaning they are loyal to a different mate each year. However, Pepe and Enrique have reportedly chosen each other year after year when mating season rolls around.

Sphen and Magic, two male gentoo penguins at the Sea Life Aquarium in Sydney, gained worldwide renown in October 2018 when they hatched their first chick. After parenting their first chick, the couple welcomed a second chick to their growing family in 2020.

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