Porn star Josh Moore condemns gays for ‘laughing’ at OnlyFans controversy

Porn star Josh Moore talking about changes to OnlyFans terms of use

Porn star Josh Moore has hit out at gay men for “laughing” at the plight of sex workers who face losing income following OnlyFans’ ban on “sexually explicit” content.

Moore, who has a large following on OnlyFans, criticised those making light of changes to the platform’s terms of use in a video posted to Twitter.

In the clip, Josh Moore pointed out that changes to OnlyFans’ rules could see sex workers losing their jobs.

“Do you know what I really love? I really love gays that are laughing at sex workers everywhere, the threat of them losing their jobs, and I’m like, ‘b***h, you wouldn’t have f**king rights today as a gay man if it wasn’t for sex workers so f**k you you evil little c***s,” Moore said.

“Marsha P Johnson threw the f**king first brick at Stonewall, she was a Black trans sex worker, and she f**king gave you your rights. Black trans sex workers fought for your rights you stupid ignorant f**ks.”

Moore went on to suggest that many of the gay men laughing at the plight of sex workers probably watch porn themselves, adding: “Yeah, f**king hilarious.”

Gay porn star Josh Moore says OnlyFans isn’t the only platform sex workers can use

He continued: “All you b****es that are laughing at things like this, it’s like, what is the point?

“Babe, there’s hundreds of platforms out there, if it isn’t OnlyFans it’ll be something else. We adapt, we thrive, we f**king make money, and you’re poor and bitter and ugly – clearly.”

Moore made his comments after it emerged on Thursday (19 August) that OnlyFans was preparing to ban “sexually explicit” content from its platform following reports that it was facing pressure from financial institutions.

The platform had largely become known for allowing people to bring adult content directly to their fans, with many sex workers earning income from subscribers.

Under its new terms of use, OnlyFans will prohibit “actual or simulated sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, between persons of any sex”.

It will also ban “actual or simulated masturbation” and “extreme or offensive” depictions of a person’s genitals or anus.

Notably, the platform will also prohibit users from showing “actual or simulated material depicting bodily fluids commonly secreted during sexual conduct”.

PinkNews has contacted OnlyFans for comment.

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