Violent, homophobic father who beat son, 6, for sitting on another boy’s lap jailed

Crying child

A father from Queensland, Australia has been sentenced to three years in jail after he beat his six year-old son for sitting on another boy’s lap.

A court heard how the father-of-three, whose name has been withheld, believed that he was walking in on “sexual engagement”. He subsequently threw the boy to the ground and struck him repeatedly.

The incident, which occurred last August, caused a number of bruises to the child’s leg.

The Courier Mail reported that the violence continued over several days and resulted in injuries to the boy and his mother, who tried to protect her children.

The court was told the man yelled “being gay is wrong” as he continued his assault. “If they were adults, I would have killed them,” he reportedly said.

The boy’s mother tried to intervene while protecting her other children, which led to the assailant throwing her up against a wall and choking her, leaving her unconscious.

The woman accused her partner of saying “you better f**k me after this” before she passed out.

Police officers arrested the man after a welfare check. They issued a protection and domestic violence order against the man, which he continually breached by contacting his ex-partner and pressuring her into dropping the charges against him.

The man pleaded guilty to assault leading to actual bodily harm, choking, attempting to pervert justice, five counts of common assault and breaching a domestic violence order.

He reportedly told police: “It’s hard to explain it, I caught my boy sitting on another boy’s lap, this is the saddest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I’m a piece of s**t, I shouldn’t have put my hands on my kid, but a matter of fact I have.”

He has already served 371 days in pre-trial custody, and will be eligible for release in December.

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